Emiliano Cardona


  • Joined August 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 53 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


An aspiring full-fledged Wizard in pursuit of understanding the Magical Arts. Keen to graduate from Hogwarts and visit the lands beyond and other Schools. Age may vary depending on RP.

Mom is a full-blooded witch and used to be an extremely well known Auror in Japan, but after having the life of her partner taken away by her own wand, she quit being an Auror and is now a healer. She was a proud Pukwudgie from Ilvermorny.
Dad is a Squib, his mom was a muggle and dad a wizard. He's a Chef and musician, and likes to mix weird potions to create interesting flavours.

A little background: Moved to Italy at the age of 9 from Peru. Has an older sister that currently attends Hogwarts (Ravenclaw, 5th year) and a younger brother who is awaiting his letter next year.

Sycamore wood with a Dragon heartstrings core, 12 1/2 half inches. Slightly springy Flexibility.
Reflective of my (Emile) adventurous and spontaneous behaviour.

Appearance: Emile has thick, wavy jet black hair and deep set brown eyes. They're big and have a deep stare, as he tends to stare a lot at human behaviour or things that catch his interest. His skin is dark tanned, as his dad is from Peru and Emile spent many years there before moving to Italy. He is riddled with tiny freckles across his cheekbones and has wide, Latin lips that is carried with a warm smile when greeted.

Personality: Stares a lot, with big curious eyes. Is generally very chipper and light of heart about things, but is consequently very sensitive and can get his feelings hurt rather easily, though doesn't always show it. Loves reading books, and spends a lot of time outdoors looking at the stars, stones or chasing creatures and animals. All in the name of curiosity. If angered, can be ill tempered for a few days, and can be too proud to admit it. Has a kind of fascination with The Dark Arts.
Has a love and deep appreciation for food, and often will eat strange combinations. A recurring one is Rasberrry jam with yoghurt spread on rice pudding.
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