Emily Beauvais


  • Joined June 2017
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 9 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


Emily Alberta Beauvais, commonly known as Em to most people, is a young Half-blood Slytherin female. She was raised in a middle-class family with French and Australian ancestry. Her hobbies include painting, reading, and sleeping. She has interests in Astronomy, as she loves staring up at the night sky and pointing out to herself which star and/or planet is which. She also likes Potions, although she may not be particularly the best student in the subject.

She has long, brown hair and green eyes.
She is not very focused on her looks, and instead prefers to focus on being as successful as she possibly can. She has goals in life and she plans on fulfilling them all by the time of her death.

She lives with her two parents, Sebastien and Aimee, in northern London. She is the middle child, with one older brother named Beau and one younger brother named Adam. Most of her relatives are in France where many of her cousins attend Beauxbatons, and a couple in Australia as well.

When she was being sorted, the Sorting Hat wasn't quite sure whether to sort her into Ravenclaw or Slytherin.
Eventually, the Hat had settled on Slytherin as it was her great ambitiousness that pushed the decision.
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