"for in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own. Let them swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud," -Albus Dumbledore
- Joined June 2017
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 18 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
I was born on September 12, 1990 as a single child Muggleborn. I was immensely interested in muggle mythology as a child(and still am) and i quickly became obsessed with learning as much as i could about Dragons. When i learned i was a wizard at the ripe age of 11, i quickly figured out the reality of Dragons and Mythical creatures. Ever since then I've been set on the path of personally experiencing interactions with as many Dragons as i can, yes i do know the dangers of Dragons, but i can't help but feel mystified and be in awe of their raw natural beauty.After being sent my letter I quickly found a home within Hogwarts, but still visit my parents back at home during the breaks. Currently my most enjoyed classes are astronomy and Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Hobbies: Reading, Playing chess, Organizing, Learning about Dragons and Space, and Procrastinating
Blood status: Muggleborn
Favorite Quidditch position: Keeper (just for fun)
Occupation: -Magizoologist/Dragonologist- (I enjoy learning about other magical creatures but Dragons are of my main interests)
>We all know that Dragons are among the most dangerous and magical of creatures in the world, wizarding or otherwise. I first became intrigued when I read about them in muggle mythology books as a child. As a muggleborn, I was later fascinated by the fact that I could work with the very creatures that I had first taken a liking to when i was younger. I was a bit disappointed that the Dragons weren't exactly the same as how the muggles had imagined them, yet thats how things usually work, I took a liking to them right away. As you know, Dragons come in a variety of temperaments, and while they can be persuaded to tolerate a Witch or Wizard’s presence, their mood can be quite the fickle thing. My favorite Dragon I've had the chance to interact with is the Hebridean Black, its a marvelous creature. I came pretty close to being roasted once, by a Chinese Fireball, but my partner warned me just in time and I was able to apparate away.
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