Brynn Coasts


  • Joined May 2017
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • New Zealand


Brynn Coasts is a sassy girl. Is spoilt but humble. Loves basketball. Flirty as well. So boys keep em coming.

I'm not the type that is looking for a sexual thing but to make friends. Duhh I am easily
mistaken for a fuckgirl. I WANT A GENUINE BOY. Lol
I sound so desperate, but honestly I would rather die than be called a fuckgirl cuz I'm not...

I'm the youngest. I have a brother named Kyle. My dads name is Evan. Idk who my mum is so yeah..
I have 2 dogs named Spark and Midnight.

I have lived in LA for the first 2 years of my life. From there I have just been moving around.

I love the beach and enjoy eating pizza. Who doesn't?!?!

I excell well in muggle studies. I am a muggleborn.
For those who are struggling, best of luck. Need to talk? I'm here for you.
Thanks for reading..
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