Genevieve Drake

Headmistress of Hogwarts

Name: Genevieve Drake Birthday: October 31st Origin: Born in Paris, France House: Slytherin Bloodstatus: Pureblood

  • Joined April 2017
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 16 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Born on the night of Halloween to a young newly-wed Pureblood couple was a little girl named Genevieve Drake. It wasn't long after her birth that her parents had to put her up for adoption due to the fact that they claim they couldn't care for her (Instead they wanted to travel the world, not be parents). At the adoption agency no one knew that Genevieve was from a wizarding family and it really didn't take anyone long to adopt the baby into their own family, in fact the couple who adopted Genevieve had recently gave up on trying to have their own child when they saw the helpless baby.

Genevieve grew up on a little ranch just on the outskirts of the town she enjoyed spending her time with all the animals whether it'd been watching the chickens chase each other, the pigs stuffing their faces, or the cows laying in the grass. The one animal she had spent most of her time with and that she found fascinated by was the horses, eventually her parents even taught her how to ride them. Genevieve loved her parents and even though she didn't know they were different from her and that she "technically" should have nothing to really do with them.

One summer before her 11th birthday a mysterious letter had arrived on her bed when she had woken up one morning, she examined the letter and found the word "Hogwarts" written across the top... What was Hogwarts? She was never told anything about this Wizarding School... or that she was even a wizard, however she wanted to go. She tried to trick her parents into thinking that Hogwarts was a better private school than her current one, however they were not buying it and refused to allow her to go to a school they had never heard of. Weeks passed as she had kept asking them if she could go, which eventually led to them ripping up the letter (without noticing any words on it) and throwing it into the trash. However more and more kept coming to her out of nowhere.

When the time came around for Hogwarts to begin Genevieve wasn't exactly sure as to how she got there from her fail attempts, let alone arrive with everything she needed... it was more of just one day she was out with the horses and the next thing she knew she found herself looking at a castle with a bunch of students around her. Although later she would have an explanation about what exactly happened she was just excited that she had gotten to go. At Hogwarts she learned about who she was and how she was a pureblood, she learned about her real parents and why they gave her up (although she was never sure as to why she wasn't given to a wizarding family). Her Hogwarts life was pretty normal for a wizard she enjoyed her house (which happened to be the same house her real parents came from) and her fellow students around her and her best friend that she made a Hufflepuff named Adilyn Grace, although the ones who constantly asked her about her childhood and her "parents" had begun to annoy her a bit.. She did get them back many times with meaningless harmful magic pranks.

When the summer of the first year ended and she was able to return back home one of the teachers had accompanied her home as so they could explain everything to her adoptive parents, at first they didn't want to believe in such fairytale things but after a good long interesting talk they had come to accept that their daughter was in fact a wizard. She also kept in touch with Adilyn during the summer after their first year as well.

When Genevieve began working at Hogwarts as Head of Slytherin during her first year as head she had been encountered by a little eleven year old Slytherin named Sorcha Drake. While talking to Sorcha she learned that it's her little sister. Genevieve realized how much her sister disliked her because she had such a love for muggles (growing up that was all she knew for the longest time). However she just thought her sister was being niave and would eventually get over the fact, and want to become more closer to her much older sister. Genevieve really never had any thought about reconnecting with her blood parents as they had never even tried to form any connection with her.

Four years later while working as Head of Slytherin Genevieve had been promoted to the Headmistress, she proudly represents her job and her school.
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