Zoey Brooks


GO LGBT+!!!!!!!!!!

  • Joined April 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • New Zealand


Eyy guys! The names Zoey, nice to meet you! Im not your average HufflePuff, Im very close to being a full Puff but Im part Slytherin.
I have a brother named Tristian and another brother named Val.
Name: Zoey Brooks
Middle Name: Aspen North
Full Name: Zoey Aspen North Brooks!
Age: 17
Gender: Bi
Hashtags: LGBT+......Relay4Life......Stay True to yourself......SlytherPuff
Siblings: Tristian Kent Brooks & Val Rylan Brooks
Parents: Maddy Brooks, Josh Brooks

I first came out being bi at the age of 16, it was rough, at first I wasn't accepted at all but they soon learnt that I wasn't yet to change just for them!! I was expected to always be a girl because no one in my family are Bi or are attracted to both Male and Female!!


I am very interested In music and wish I had a sister, living with 3 boys is hard as, I dont live with my mum taking that my parents divorced when I was 8. I see my mum 3 days of the week and the other 4 days of the week Im with my dad. I enjoy writing and being with my friends.

Sometimes I wear boy clothes, not surprised, most of my friends are boys and I live with 3 boys.

I am a proud supporter of the LGBT+ Community, the way they come together is as pure as a Christians youth! I follow and take lead in many LGBT+ Events at school and try to raise the amount of supporters.

Yeah ofcourse people judge me, Im not the prettiest and Im not the most social in the world, thats right, Im ME!! I refuse to change in command of someone else and will always be myself, I refuse to let someone take control of me and make me do things that make me uncomfortable!

I dont have many talents but I am always with my headphones, ALWAYS.....BVB is awesome and Eminem is too!
I play the piano and sing in the shower, its a habbit of many.......Basketball is my thing, when ever I get the oppurtunity to play I will.

If you survived this last and is going to tempt to read until the last figure then

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