Kate Newman


  • Joined March 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 122 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


Ever since I found out about my magic I have always wanted to care for magical creatures, maybe even become a healer. I am a half blood with a muggle mother and a wizard as a father, my father had held off telling me or my siblings about our magic because he wanted us to have a "normal" life. I found out when I was twelve years old, already one year late I scrambled to find a magical school that would accept me at my later age. I was originally about to apply to Ilvermorny school but once I heard about Hogwarts I just had to come here. I got accepted into Hogwarts but due to my lack of magical knowledge they insisted I was "homeschooled" until I was caught up, I worked as hard as I could and blew through textbook after textbook until I was going into knowledge that they hadn't even taught my grade yet. I will officially be in first year but I am starting this year later than expected, I hope to learn as much as I can and officially find out who I will be this year.

Wand: Spruce wood with a Unicorn hair core 12 ¼" and Quite Bendy flexibility
Patronus: Red Squirrel
My Ilvermorny house: Pukwudgie
Pet: Snowy owl named Lily and a Barn owl named Finn
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