Lila Lynn


Muggle born who was sorted into Slytherin. I love it. Spend most of my time in the library learning things on my own. Surprised I didn't get Ravenclaw

  • Joined March 2017
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(Older Student) Nobody ever said it would be easy. I came from a long line if muggles to be honest, but dad had always expected that I was meant for more. The day my letter came I had honestly thought it was a joke, but now here I am in my fourth year and a proud Slytherin. I have always been found of the house so getting sorted was a dream come true. I'm a hard worker and I have a lot of Gryffindor friends even through the house rivalries. I finally found a Hufflepuff best friend which is the best. He's so cute when he's embarresed. Haha. I send a lot of time in the library because of all the extra classes I take and everything I want to learn on my own. Surprised I didn't get Ravenclaw honestly
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