- Joined February 2017
- Member of Gryffindor
- 64 House Points
- 1st Year
Korea, Republic Of
My mother is Hermione Jean Granger and my Father is Ronald Weasley and I am half-blood. I am 11 years old and I have brown bushy hair like my mum and Hugo. I have two older siblings: Rose and Hugo. I am the youngest in my family, which is quite tough. Hugo is one year older than me. Rose and Hugo are both in Gryffindor and so am I. At first, I thought that I might get sorted into some other house, like Albus Severus Potter because my mum told me that she had the choice of going to Ravenclaw. I also had the same choice, but I choose Gryffindor, just like my mum. I love reading books and I spent most of my time in the library next to our house. My favourite book is "Hogwarts: A history" and I know lots of useful charms and spells. People tend to stare and my family. It happens quite a lot, especially when we are walking with Albus's family. I still feel quite uncomfortable. Albus is always kind to me and we play with each other quite a lot. However, James ll is always joking around and fooling other people. I am so excited to be in Hogwarts at last! I was always willing to be here. Seeing James ll, Albus, Rose and Hugo going to Hogwarts was hard. I can't imagine how aunt Ginny had endured. I'm not bragging but I'm quite good at every subjects so I'm looking forward to the OWLs and classes!
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