Imogen Walker


"We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on, that's who we really are." - Sirius Black

  • Joined January 2017
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 40 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • New Zealand


Being an outgoing, hard-working, chronically anxious Ravenclaw isn't the most relaxing experience. Between furiously studying for my exams (I'm a perfectionist) and keeping on top of my other obligations, I like to spend free time reading, writing, and doing pretty much any creative activity. Oh, and I almost forgot. I have a reputation of being one of the brightest Ravenclaws you'll find in the common room at any given time. I have to take careful care to continue to uphold this reputation; we Ravenclaws are sometimes ridiculously competitive.

I actually have quite a few reputations. Smart, hard-working, anxious, social, and my personal favourite, short-tempered. Yup, that's me. Cool as a cucumber. If you get in my way, even indirectly, expect quite the rebuff, because I'm rubbish at controlling my temper.

I grew up in New Zealand, the tiny island that is nearly-but-not-quite part of Australia. I developed a love for books and literature at an early age; a love which has never waned over the years. As a child, I was a little shy and reserved, preferring to read my beloved books instead of joining my parents on their constant social conventions. However, they wanted me to take after them, make connections with important people, that sort of thing. So they started to take me along with them - at first, everyone swooned over the cute liddle Imogen in pigtails. However, once they realised that I was, in fact, a lot smarter than I looked, they started to treat me less like a cute kitten and more like an adult.
From an early age, my parents taught me to work hard and persevere, qualities that the Ministry values in potential employees. They didn't tell me this, of course; I assumed that they just wanted me to succeed in any future endeavours that might require these qualities. And they did come in useful; they lead to me being placed in Ravenclaw upon my entrance to Hogwarts, and from my first year, being labelled one of the smartest Ravenclaws around.
When I was seven, we moved to Britain, and my parents' social obligations continued. It wasn't until I received my Hogwarts letter that I realised that these social obligations were actually meetings within the Ministry of Magic concerning only the most important witches and wizards. By this time, I was approaching twelve years old, and practically already considered one of their number. And so, my future has been decided for me.

I keep to myself most of the time, buried chin-deep in schoolwork, but I'm the kind of person who is so unconsciously, insufferably likeable that everybody kind of . . . just knows me. I do have a tight-knit group of friends, but also a wider circle of acquaintances, most of whom other students who I am friendly with. Others are Ministry employees, friends of my parents, some of whom are starting to seriously consider where I'm going to go after I graduate. Even though I'm only in first year. Can you say over prepared?

I also have a thing for long words, if you haven't noticed.

I'm quite the sesquipedalian.
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