Devoted Weird Sister's fan.
- Joined December 2016
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
General Info...~House: Gryffindor
~Wand: 12 inches, Cypress, Dragon Heartstring core
~Patronus: Lion
~Pet: A large barred owl named Orion
~Blood: Pretty pure, but I'm distantly related to a few muggles... So half?
~Special skills: Well, I'm a keeper ;) and possibly and werewolf...
~Height: 6'2"
~Eyes: Forest green
~Hair: Dark brown, near to black
~Skin: Warm beige
I grew up up with a Squib mother, a Wizard father, and three sisters. My mother taught me to love everyone, no matter who they are and my father taught me to always be brave. They are who made me the person I am today, "a Gryffindor through and through" as my father likes to say.
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