- Joined December 2016
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Name: Shayella, or Shae for shortI'm a 1st year Hufflepuff.
I'm a half-blood. My dad is Taiwanese, adopted, and a citizen of Scotland. I'm also a quarter merperson on mum's side. Her father is a merman.
My parents aren't together right now so I mostly live with my muggle dad. He's a chef :D
Hobbies: ice hockey, track, football, swimming, table tennis, cheerleading, tumbling, singing, viola, Boggle
Favorite class: potions and herbology. Transfiguration is my best one, though. In muggles school, it was science and music.
Patronus: jellyfish
If I become and animagus I want to change into a platypus or a Jesus lizard.
I work summers as a swimming instructor for younger wizards and witches who aren't yet old enough to attend school. I also teach muggle kids when I'm living with my dad. After graduation, I'm not entirely sure what I intend to do with myself. Becoming an ambassador for the ministry might be a good oppor-tuna-ty for me, but I don't know.
What do you feel is the most fascinating aspect of magic? Do you want to use magic to help others, or to further your own ends?
I think time travel is intriguing. Dad introduced me to Doctor Who early on and ever since it's fascinated me. I wouldn't mess with it, though. I mostly want to use magic for fun and to live life fully. Life is as extreme as you want to make it, after all.
If you are being honest with yourself, what do you really want?
I want the ability to fly free of any apparatus.
I have one two headed dog. Her name is Barbara and she comes up to my hip level so she's a pretty large dog compared to dogs in the muggle world but not too big for me to handle.
Odd things about my appearance: some spots on my legs and arms have scales, just underneath my chin is a set of small gills, my dark hair has a teal tint to it naturally, which makes dyeing my hair kind of awkward. My feet are a little larger than average and my nails have a holographic effect under light and an change color according to my mood. At least my fingers and toes don't prune up when soaked, though! We passed it off as a skin condition in muggle school.
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