Thalia Redwood


Proud Ravenclaw! Big fangirl! Love to read and write!

  • Joined December 2016
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name: Thalia Redwood
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Hazel wood, phoenix tail feather core, 12 inches
Patronus: Dapple Grey Mare
Pets: A cat named Midnight
Blood Status: Muggle-born
When I received my Hogwarts Letter on July 23rd 2016, I thought I was going crazy. But then a woman named Oshiro came and explained everything to me. I had though back, and agreed. Really crazy things had happened to me. Once, I was reading Matilda, and I though about how cool it would be to make things move with my eyes. I stared at my pencil and it had levitated. So cool. When I went to Diagon Alley, I was wowed. All the shops, all the magic. One store in particular interested me. Flourish and Blotts. The bookstore. I had always loved to read, and now there is a whole shop of books I haven't read! I am so excited to be here, and can't wait to learn everything!
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