

  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 23 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Hi, I am a pureblood witch. I live in the muggle world with my parents and brothers. You are probably asking why. My parents work for the Muggle Liaison Office at the Ministry of Magic. So we live in the muggle world because of my parents job. I went to muggle school so my family and I could keep a low profile. I got my letter and I was so excited. I'd actually be able to learn and do magic like my mom and dad. Although I would miss the friends I had. I went to Diagon Ally to get my things for Hogwarts. I was so excited. I eventually got all my stuff for school. It wouldn't have taken so long but I wanted to go in almost every store. Anyway that's my story.☺

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