Annabeth Elijah Fang


You don't have to face that battle alone.. -Mark Edward Fischbach......

  • Joined October 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 25 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Best human friend: Alex Lydia Lee

Best animal friend: Alex Lydia Lee (because she can be wild)

Geese: Alexander, Sachi, Septiceye
Ducks: River, Fishybach.
Dog: Angel, Avery, Spice, Aiden, Freya

Hogwarts Family:
*Alex Lydia Lee ( (Best Friend, Hogwarts Sister)
*Annabeth Granger ( (Friend)
*Bilbo Bagginses/Took ( (Hogwarts Brother)
*Annabeth Granger ( (Friend)
*-Double- (Friend)
*Harvey Cantwell ( (Hogwarts Brother)
*Indigo Arcee ( (Hogwarts Sister)
*Eddie Goobs ( (They were like a sister when they were here)
*Sunny Moretti Black ( (Hogwarts Sister)
*Loony Loopy Lupin ( (Hogwarts Brother)
*Steven A. Kent ( (Hogwarts Brother)
*River Melody ( (Sister)
*Kaliey Potter ( (Friend)
*Theo Braith-Lupin (Teas) ( (Good Friend)

Favorite colors: Red, green, blue.
Favorite shade:Gray.
Usual clothing: Red flannel, shorts.
Hobbies: Remodeling the house, training my dog, learning guitar, playing with my animals.
Favorite book genre: Undecided.
Amount of books I have: 82

Favorite Fandoms:
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Percy Jackson
Drew Lynch
Jake Paul
Logan Paul
Five Nights At Freddy's
FaZe Rug
Team 10
Reaction Time
Infinite Lists
Lucas and Marcus
Dobre Brothers
Team Edge
Martinez Twins


Jack - Alex Lee
Elijah - Alex Lee
Fang - Alex Lee
Lou - River Melody
Annie - Harvey Cantwell

*The Darkness (I literally stay completely still for like a minute if I'm in it)
*Heights (I'm terrified of heights so I usually stay still)
*Being alone (I in general don't want to ever be alone)
*The ocean (So unknown)
*Losing something close to me (I would cry for days if I lost something close to me)
*Mannequin (They creep me out)
*Needles (They are pointy)
*Sticking my hand under my bed in the dark (I'm afraid somethings under my bed)
*Being around to many people at once (Claustrophobic)
*Clowns (They are creepy as shit)
*Flying in Airplanes (I'm afraid they are going to crash)

Favorite Item In My Life:
The Tiny Box Tim my best friend made me for Christmas 2017.

Alex Lee is a great friend, and she helps me through everything. She's a great person.
Sometimes she can be annoying, but she shows her love.

I love my family, they mean everything to me, and along with my family on here.
I believe in every one of you no matter how much you don't.

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