Dodger Quill

Writer / Wiz-Hop Artist

Wiz-Hop Artist and the Maestro of Magnificus Comics! Can't Knock The Huffle! #BlackAndYellow #PuffPride

  • Joined February 2016
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States



- Name: Dodger Quill
- Location: USA
- Current Year: 1st
- Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
- Ilvermorny House: Wampus
- Career Path: Writer / Wiz-Hop Artist
- Blood Status: Muggleborn
- Wand: Alder wood with a Dragon heartstring core 14" and Slightly Springy flexibility
- Patronus: Dragonfly
- Siblings: Jae Quill (Gryffindor), Wynter Quill (Slytherin)


Dodger Quill's the name and crafting stories is my game. Well, let me restart, if I can. My parents are Muggleborns, Dexter and Viola Quill. I have two sisters, Jae and Wynter, that both went to Hogwarts. Myself? I got yanked into Hufflepuff and let me tell you right now that there's not a day that goes by that I don't represent for my Hufflepuffs. As I always say: "Can't Knock The Huffle!". That might be why the Sorting Hat put me there, I don't know. All I know is that when the chips are down and my friends need me... I'm there. It's what I do.

Hogwarts was a blast. I stuck to being an average student but I had a few things to occupy my time: Girls, Quidditch and Charms. I was a Chaser, by the way, both in and out of the pitch. When I wasn't dealing with those things I kinda' spent my days writing. Before I got The Letter, I spent most of my time reading comics or watching tv. I was always into stories and adventures to other lands. Funny how life turned out for me, though, huh? Turns out that my imagination wasn't so far off from what became my reality. So that's what I did. It kept me sane while things weren't exactly kosher around Hogwarts for a few years. I think everybody knows what I'm talking about there. I don't exactly care to relive it!

After Hogwarts I moved on to trying to find my place in the 'Wizarding World' so I did what I always did: I wrote. I was writing and crafting stories about everything that I could think of. My imagination never really stops so I just let it all out. With no leads on a gig, I decided to make one for myself. I hooked up with a couple of artistic friends that I remembered from Hogwarts and together we all created a little something you might've heard of: Magnificus Comics. I'm one of the crazy minds behind some ofthe following titles: Muggles With Attitude, D.A. (Dumbledore's Army) and Triwizardry. It's been a fun ride. Not everyone can say they get to do what they love and I can. So there's that.

You may have also heard that I've taken a liking to combining Muggle Music with Wizard Music. This fusion of urban style and wizardry has come to be known as Wiz-Hop. I'm not going to say that I'm the first to actually take this and run with it but I've been working pretty hard on my debut album: 'Can't Knock The Huffle''. I don't want to be all shamelessly self-promotiony but keep an eye out for that.

People say I'm creative, maybe even a little bit too much so. I might even be a little bit too helpful. I'm always trying to help people or give people chances. It's just the way I am. Probably why I'm always bogged down with a stack of favors to do for people. I don't mind. If I can make people happy then I'm going to go out of my way to do just that. This includes Muggles too. Magic is awesome and that's why I use it. I'll do whatever it takes to help those that I care about.

Wow. I talk a lot. I'm not a narcissist, I promise. It's just that I want everybody to know where I come from! As for where I'm headed? I guess that's a journey that we'll be taking together...
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