Destiny Malfoy


"DESTINY decides who you'll meet in life, but it's only your HEART that decides who gets to stay in your life..." -Unknown

  • Joined November 2015
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Destiny Malfoy is one of Draco, and Astoria Malfoy's children. Her brother is Scorpius Malfoy, best friend of Albus Potter. Her mum, Astoria Malfoy is dead, but she loves to be happy. She is great friends with Lily Luna Potter. She is really sorry for what her dad has done to any of your parents, she knows he is sorry.

She is quite the cheery girl! It overwhelmes most people. She gets good grades, and just like Hermione Granger, She had all O's except for DADA which she had an E in. That was first year, but she raised her grade. She's pretty tall for her age, and when she was a second year, her height was 5' 6". She loves math, and learning latin, in hopes to make new spells. She knows some French and Spanish, and know a little bit of latin. She knows that her father's name means "Dragon" in Latin. Her second or third cousin, Sirius who died before she was born, even had a Latin name. Her name is latin is "fortunae". She loves to talk about things that fascinate her, though she is a bit of a procrastinator.

Her patronus is a Unicorn, and she has an Ash Wood Unicorn Hair Core, 14" unyielding flexibility wand. Her Ilvermorny house is Wampus. You already know that she is a Slytherin, and people find it weird that the patronus is so majestical, and she's an "Evil Slytherin", even though, they're not to bad.

Anyways, she loves you all!
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