You might belong in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart. Their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.
- Joined July 2015
- Member of Gryffindor
- 20 House Points
- 1st Year
Ever since I was young, I knew something was different about me. I mean, how many children can make their favourite fairytale books fly around their head at the age of four? When my parents first caught sight of what I could do, they instantly knew what I was: a witch. And they were proven right when my Hogwarts letter arrived when I turned eleven. After a trip to Diagon Alley (which I thoroughly enjoyed, I must admit), I had everything I needed and even my own wand! I spent the rest of my summer reading my new books and learning as much as I could about the Wizarding World. My parents, of course, had already told me many new, interesting things and were always eager to answer any questions I had, but nothing can be compared with discovering fascinating things on your own. When I arrived at Hogwarts for the first time, I was amazed by everything around me, despite the fact that, as a Half-blood with two Muggle-born parents, I already knew enough about the castle and the surrounding grounds. When my turn came to be sorted into a house, I was really worried and nervous about the outcome. My parents had told me that the house I would be placed in would be the most fitting for me, but that knowledge did not calm me down in the slightest. As I was sitting on the stool with the Sorting Hat on my head, I was growing more worried by the minute, as the Hat was taking quite some time to decide, constantly muttering about whether it should place me in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. In the end, after almost five agonizing minutes, the Sorting Hat placed me in Gryffindor much to the delight of the students dressed in red and gold. And that is how my life at Hogwarts began! As a student, my favourite subjects are Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions, closely followed by Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. I was never particularly fond of Divination, but thankfully I can manage nonetheless. I generally enjoy all classes though, as I find all magic to be fascinating and my naturally curious and knowledgeable nature always wants to learn and discover more. As a Half-blood, I am very lucky as I have the opportunity to live both in the Muggle and in the Wizarding World. What I consider to be my greatest strength is my ability to view things logically and calmly and take the right decisions under pressure, after analyzing every aspect of the impending situation. My greatest weakness must be the fact that I can be extremely stubborn at times and that can result in me getting into fights with the people around me. My friends mostly describe me as intelligent, practical and studious, a true intellectual at heart, but also brave, loyal and fun to be around, with a witty and sarcastic flare and a sociable nature. But they would also agree that I can be hot-headed, impatient and argumentative, and sometimes even detached and cold, really hard to understand, and temperamental. After I finish school, I plan to become an Auror, as I want to use my magical talents to help others and protect the magical community from potential threats. What's more, my uncle is an Auror himself and he always talks with great praise about the Auror Department. My family, in general, is a close-knit one and we get together as often as we can. I have no siblings, but I am really close with my older cousin, who is one year older than me and we were technically raised together. He is a Gryffindor too and a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He can be really annoying at times, as he loves to tease me about our age and height difference, always calling me little one or shortie, but he is also very protective of me and caring when I need him. He is a real devil sometimes, one of the best pranksters I know (He likes to say that he taught me everything I know but no matter what he says, he cannot take credit for my natural mischievous streak!), but he is also very clever, brave and daring and as stubborn as I am. As for my parents, my mum is a Healer at St Mungo's and my dad works as an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries... another career I have started considering more and more lately. When they were at Hogwarts, my mum was in Gryffindor and my dad was in Slytherin, so there is always a little bit of competition between them, something I actually find to be rather amusing to witness. Despite ending up in Gryffindor, my dad always says that I inherited his resourceful and sneaky Slytherin nature... and his knack for mischief, as my mum always likes to add! And lastly, my little snowy owl named Starburst completes our little family, a great companion with more energy than necessary and a knack for flying around during the night.