I'm Cedar, but friends and family call me Wiki! <3
- Joined June 2015
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
-- Personal --Name: Cedar or Wiki.
Age: 13
Family: Mom, Dad and my older sister.
Blood: Muggle-born
Nationality: American
-- Favorites --
HP Book: Prisoner of Azkaban
HP Movie: Goblet of Fire
Non-HP Book: Tie between Fangirl and 13 Reasons Why
Non-HP Movie: Fantastic Beasts. (Technically not a HP movie as Harry, Hermione or Ron were in it)
TV Show: Stranger Things
Cartoon: Gravity Falls
Anime: Attack On Titan
Food: Pizza
YouTuber: JackSepticEye
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