Jinx Talbot

Smol bean, Baker of sweets

  • Joined January 2015
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 79 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Hello I'm Jinx Talbot. I used to be Jinxie Malfoy with a twin sister named Hexie (who I hate), but I am unlike all the other Malfoys so I ran away. I was then adopted by Adrian Talbot. He's my dad now. It's just him and I, but life is pretty happy.

| Interests |
Astronomy, Divination, Reading, Making Friends, Baking Sweets.

| House |
Slytherin although I'm nicer than most in my house.

| Wand |
Hawthorne wood with phoenix feather, 12 inches, slightly springy.

| Patronus |
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