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Your feminist hippie plant mom

  • Joined July 2014
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 70 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Biographical Records


Basic Information

Name: Rhiannon

Nickname: Rhi

Surname: Boudreaux

Date of Birth: February 28th

Origin: New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Nationality: Greek and Italian



Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Status: Single


Magical Information

Wand: Cedar Wood, 12 3/4 Inches, Unicorn Hair Core, Unbending Flexibility

Amortentia: Earthy Scents and cinnamon

Patronus: Swift

Boggart: Fenrir Greyback

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Ilvermony House: Pukwudgie

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Year: Graduated




Parents:  Juniper {Mother, Alive}

Perseus {Father, Alive}

Siblings: Aries {Alive}



Rhiannon is quite shy at first and pretty quiet especially when she is in class. Once you do get to meet her and get to know her, she is very sweet and caring toward others. She doesn't consider who she doesn't like her enemies. She lives with people not liking her not caring that they do. Rhiannon is a true dreamer of world peace growing up as a hippie with her family. She is very hardworking and determined. She doesn't like to wait last minute and can be quite stubborn as well. Rhiannon is someone who cares a lot about animals and their well-being as well as plants. You can see her mostly outside getting fresh air, at Hagrid's, or even at the greenhouses.



Eye Hue: Light Brown

Hair Hue: Brown

Hairstyle: Long and wavy

Facial Markings: Freckles.


Body Modifications

Piercings: Three Piercings on her lobe.

Tattoos: Floral Design on her upper arm, the lyrics, "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day," on her rib.


Health Conditions?:

  • - Has Asthma and  anaphylaxis that comes with seasonal allergies

  • •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•



A black cat named Jinx and back home as has a hedgehog named Ringo and a pitbull terrier named Max.



Claustrophobia and Trypophobia.



Rhiannon was born on February 28th, `1977. She had a happy life being at home in America. she grew up around her muggle mother who was practicing a different type of magic in which her father did not practice. Her mother never let her practice due to her being so young but she would help bake and cook for sabbats, and do some crafts. She had been introduced to9 her newborn brother at the age of three.

  When she was eleven years old, she received her letter for Ilvermony, the American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, she was sorted into  Pukwudgie. She went there for a few years until her parents transferred her to Hogwarts to get away and go on some type of adventure. It was abroad and knowing how Rhiannon liked to travel, they thought it would be a good idea. Her brother stayed in Ilvermony however. She was transferred over at the age of fifteen where she was sorted into Hufflepuff privately. It was hard for her at first to adjust to a new school that was far away from the other one but she got used to it. She made more friends.

 An incident had happened in the sixth year which caused Grayback to become her boggart. She had a premonition about this incident being psychic. She had these abilities since she was young. Her mother mostly observed it when she told her about seeing spirits or dreaming of an event that would come true. Her mother helped her grow her abilities. During the incident, she was alone one night not able to sleep. Therefore, she decided to go take a walk in nature in hopes it would cause her to help her sleep back in America. She was walking until she saw a figure in the corner of her eyes. She picked up her speed walking until the figure stepped in front of her. It was non-other than Greyback. Her hands shook in fear looking up at the tall werewolf. He lunged at her almost scratching her until her parents thankfully rushed to her rescue saving her. 

Rhiannon had successfully finished her career as a student in school but found herself back in America where she worked for the American Ministry of Magic working as an investigator for the Department of Magical Creatures due to her love for magical creatures.


Roleplay Rules

~* No Godmodding

~*Don't Control my Character

~*At least 6 or more sentences for a starter and response.

~*My writing style is advanced literate to novella.

~*No asterisks.

~*I Can do any type of roleplay. I want the person I am roleplaying with in real life to be 18+. I will not write with a minor. 

~*Don't keep bothering me if I don't answer. I have work on the weekends and I am in college.



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