[No Name]


  • Joined June 2014
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Uruguay


Slytherin from Day one. As all, i wanted to be in the house the boy who lived was in, however, the sorting hat had little doubt, SLYTHERIN he proclaimed and something in me felt that after all, slytherin could be a good fit.
Favorite class, DADA for sure, got an O in OWLs and an E in the NEWTs (frankly, i had 0.00 social life during my last year, but i made it to an E and got a job as an auror!)
Potions was interesting still, and hey, switching someone's drink with a fairly inoqueous but fun potion is never bad...

I'm a pure blood for sure, my family name is "olivares" a branch of the well known Ollivanders which moved to Spain back in the 1700s but i never payed to much attention to it.
Frankly, when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power the first time i was a little kid, and by the time he "died" the first time i had barely made it to 1st year in Hogwarts.

By the time He rose again the second time i was in Spain attending some family business (also, trying to catch a fleeing criminal while i was there... Workaholic? Yes please!

One oddity that you better not tell the ministry, i sometimes use the killing curse to get rid of mosquitoes... those MOFO dont deserve anything better..

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