Christine Jefferson


  • Joined March 2014
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


I received my Hogwarts letter on my 11th birthday in the time of He Who Must Not Be Named rise of power; pre-Harry Potter. My parents taught me to respect and care for the muggles of our village despite our family's long standing view of keeping us Wizards to ourselves. I was sorted into Slytherin like my parents before me and was proud to wear the green and silver. I was determined to show the world that not all Slytherins held disdain for Muggles; some of my best chums from our village were Muggles. I worked hard and attained top grades in both my O.W.L's and N.E.W.T.'s as well as making Head Girl. Potions were my specialty and since I was interested in helping people overcome their fears around Muggle integration, I chose to be a Healer. I currently work at St. Mungo's on the top floor in the department of Magical Mental Maladies.
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