Victory Hunter

Magical Creature Expert

Returning to Hogwarts to brush up on a few classes while keeping an eye on a few of the new Pack in the School.

  • Joined April 2014
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 18 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(Lycanthropist) Werewolves are the most misunderstood of all the curse afflicted. It was during my final years at Hogwarts that I met Professor Lupin. As a Ravenclaw in good standing with the highest marks of my year in both my O.W.L’s and my N.E.W.T’s I was able to volunteer with St. Mungo’s and then I spent 3 years studying Epidemiology with non-magical students. I currently work with a branch of the Ministry of Magic in cooperation with St. Mungo’s to find and capture the victims of Fenrir Greyback and his progeny. Mr. Weasley (Bill), Fleur Weasley, and I have been working to contain the spread of Lycanthropy after the battle of Hogwarts.

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