Analisa Rosalia Mercer


"Enjoy the little things, they are what will mean the most"

  • Joined May 2014
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I'm Analisa but you can call me Ana or Annie, I was born in the back country of Kentucky. I was raised until my tenth birthday in a small cabin. My father left when I was seven, he was ashamed to have a witch for a daughter, but mostly it was the drinking and cheating on my mother. On the day he left I discovered my powers. I walked in to the kitchen where my father was yelling at my mom for slightly burning his omelet. He slung the wooden plate across the room, narrowly missing my head, and it cracked in to dozens of pieces. The he got up grabbed my mother, this was the seventh time I had seen him do this, and right before he could slap her I shouted "Leave my mother alone!". I was a timid girl back then, always afraid of him, but on this day I had enough of him tossing my mother around like a rag doll. As I shouted and screamed at him, I motioned my arm from my mother to the wall behind them and flung my father hard against the wall. Mom crawled into the corner behind her next to the sink. My father scared and dazed, after about ten minutes snarled at me and whispered " Evil witch" under his breath his voice was deep enough I could still hear him. After he left I went to my mother to comfort her but she seemed terrified of my, and justifiably so. I showed her I wasn't going to hurt her, despite not knowing what I had actually just done. Time went by after that day and for the first time I saw my mother happy. We'd work in the garden and she would homeschool me, and work at the local diner, she was their best waitress. Money was hard to come by even with us both working, and we could barley afford to rent the little shack with only two rooms and no indoor. plumbing. The months after my tenth birthday me and my mother became ill with a flu but hers was far worse than mine, we could only afford to have the doctor treat one of us. She made me get the treatment, even though I vehemently protested. A week later I found her coughing up blood, and on the night she died, she asked my to make a promise to her "Work hard and Never settle for less than what your heart desires". So I promised her this, and while i held her had she took her final breath and said to me "I love you, my child". She was dead now, and it was up to me to fend for my self, remembering the promise I had made. I buried her in our garden the next morning, and gather what little things we had and packed three bags. My mothers green canvas cross body purse, our old leather and brass suitcase which had belong to her mother, and my rucksack. I wore my mothers moonstone and opal necklace, it was in the shape of a lotus. I also had a small garnet ring that was my grandmothers, as she also was born in January. I put our old albums and camera, the old tea kettle and small pot, some of our clothes, my mothers silver plated brush and some food in to the suitcase. I put the documents and our last bit of savings, $1000 dollars, into my green purse. I put my canteen bottle in my rucksack and the grabbed the last item of importance, my grandfathers old pocket watch. My mother would check it every morning and every night. Then I said goodbye to my mothers grave place a lily from the garden on it and left to the diner. I told temp what happened and the owner offered me a place too stay but I knew very well she had told the others she would send my to the orphanage. I had other plans. I left when they weren't watching and wet to the bus station. I hoped a one way greyhound bus to anywhere. I ended up in New York City at the final destination. At this point it was May and the weather was very nice so I slept outside often. I was used to that since the old shack had many holes in it. I but little shelters. After around a month I stated to look for libraries to educate my self more, I had always loved reading. I brought the old three books my mother had with me. Our encyclopedia, the works of Shakespeare and a thrown out college history textbook about European history.
I studied for almost a month. I was pretty intelligent for my age, and if anyone questioned my presence I made up so convincing explanations. Now, I didn't mention this before but my mother grandmother was from Wales before she moved to America to go to travel and se eventually married and lived here. Well her grandmother was supposedly a witch too. It was an old tale that had been passed down in my family for generations. Until the day I discovered my powers, I didn't believe it, but now I sought out answers. I asked around the homeless network of strange and peculiar people like me, eventual an old man named Walter told me of a magical school in Britain, called Hogwarts. He told me to find away to get to Britain then look for the Leaky Cauldron they will help me from there. He had an niece that was a witch who went to school there, Lunelle Calloway. Said if I meet her some day to tell her Uncle Walt said hi, last he heard she worked at the ministry now. I stowed away on a cargo ship heeding for port in England. Took a week but we arrived. I got some food and found a small job as a clerk helper. I figured id need more money to attend this school. After a couple weeks nearing towards the middle of August, I found the Leaky Cauldron. I asked for help and they told me all about the wizard world in Britain. I made my way to Gringotts, and asked to open a vault. I gave then all my money but 20 pounds just in case. I had around 500 galleons from the 2500 pounds I gave them and 79 galleons, 7 stickles, and 15 knuts from the 800 dollars I gave them. This gives me 579 galleons and 7 stickles, and 15 knuts, and 20 pounds to my name. From there I asked how to find the ministry. The directed me towards them and I entered. I asked for a Mrs. Calloway, they said she would be down in ten min. I waited in the lobby, she walked over and asked what I needed and I told her "her Uncle Walt say hi from America" she almost cried thinking he had died a while back. She lead me to her office and asked me what I was doing here. I told her the whole story, and she said that I was too young to go to Hogwarts yet, id have to wait a year. I then asked could I get in to this school despite being America. She ask my great grandmothers grandmother's name and seemed shocked. She sad she though Victoria Black died without children after being disowned from the Black family. I told her how her daughter, a muggle moved to America to live a new life. She sad that made since after Victoria was disowned for helping muggle and marring one. She said I would be able to go to Hogwarts, I would just need to wait a year. and so I did. The year went by fairly quick, Mrs. Calloway allowed my to stay with her in her spare bedroom. She said shed help me but didn't have the resource to do so long term. I understood and ask if I might get a small job to make a bit of money an I would repay her for her kindness. She said it wasn't needed but I insisted. So I worked helping out in the Apothecary on Diagon Alley. I made seven galleons a day and eventually saved up a lot of money. My vault now held 2,3290 G's and 7 s, and 15 knits as of July the next year. I decided a while back to study as if would give me an edge or at least put me on equal playing field with the other students. I bought all my supplied in May, and then my wand. It is a mixed wand with Elder, Cherry, Yew, Cedar, Aspen, Ebony, and Beech woods. The core is , triple cored with phoenix feather, dragon heartstrings and unicorn hair all being in the ward. It is 17 inches. Olivander looked at me with a strange awe and surprise. He said this particular wand had been sit on the shelves for over 500 years. It has been silent until I walked in . The wand nearly flew into my hand when he opened the drawer. He said the person that crafted this did so with a special intent. He said only in will figure that out. I thanked him and he told me to come back an see him sometime. I went to go home but something caught my eye in the animal shop. I went in and looked around them saw a medium sliver cage with a large Python in it. The owner said he was a very mean snake and that I wouldn't like him but I asked to hold him. Growing up I loved to play with the sakes I the garden so the didn't scare me even the big ones. I held him and he looked in to my eyes, tilted his head an then to the shop owners amazement, sort of licked my nose as if he was a puppy. I laughed as his tongue tickled. I asked how much for him and she said free since I was the only one he didn't bite or hiss at. I asked what the diet was for a heath python, I assumed small rodents. She said he cold hunt his own food but I could sign up for the Hogwarts delivery system for three galleons. Did and ten ask if I'd be allowed him at Hogwarts. She said id need to write the headmistress. I got my letter the next day with a reply from Headmistress McGonagall. She okayed me bring him but he'd have to stay with me at all times, or at least supervised by a person at all times. With now having my letter a bit of money from my vault and my new friend Balthazar the python I set out on September first for the train. Mrs.Calloway told me how to find the platform and how to goo through. I did and sat in a cabin on the train. I sat alone an studied until it was closer to the hour of arrival and I changed into my uniform. I got off the train and we made our way to the castle. The boat ride was spectacular, id never seen a more beautiful castle in any of the fantasy novels I've read. I walked with the other first years to the main hall. I was the seventh to be sorted. The hat said I am very intelligent and resourceful, but also hardworking and kind. He spent nearly 30 minutes deciding wear to put me. Finale he asked "Where do you want to be?" I thought carefully about all I knew o. the house and what they stood for then said "I'd like to be in Hufflepuff" he said how curious. Then shouted Huffllepuff. Their table roared with cheers and applause. I smiled and with Balthazar around my neck as he'd been the whole time since the train ride, I sat at the table and introduced myself. Everyone was mice but slightly afraid of Balthazar. I told the he wouldn't hurt anyone so long as you aren't a threat to him, we all laughed. Did I mention I can talk to snakes. I guess thats why I've always gotten along with them. So, I'm sitting in my dorm room not with my room mates, who have all fallen asleep. I can't wait to see what my first year holds for me. Until then goodnight.

Some facts about me:

Hair: long chestnut brown with red tints.
Eyes: Forest Green, deep dark.
Skin: Light with a golden glow.
Height: 5' 2" (I know I'm tall for my age)
Birthdate: January 16th, 1998 (yeah, that year)
Mother: Myra Kara Mercer
"Father": Malcolm Hawthorn
Ancestry, descendant of the Black Family, on here mothers side by: Victoria Black
Favorite color: Green and Browns
Favorite Magical Creature:: Unicorns, House Elves, Threstles, Centaurs, and Acromantuals,
Favorite non magical animal: Snakes and Wolves.
Favorite Food: Chocolate anything, Spinach Pizza, Chinese food, and Cherry Cordials.
Goal Career: Not Sure yet, but I'd like to help people and heal, and something with animals.
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