Ariana River

Queen of the Damned

“To be human, that's what most of us long for. It is the human which has become myth to us.” “Finally those you love are simply ... those you love.”

  • Joined April 2014
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 9 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States




Age - 17
Realtionship Status - Taken - Jack Learson ❤️ ❤️
Hair color - dyed brown/black
Eyes - blue
Height - 5’5
My Patrouns - Badger
My Wand -
Elder wood
Dragon heartstring core
12 1/2 in length
Hard flexibility

Friends - (more to be added)

Avery Good -
a new friend who I hope we come closer

Lucifer Smith -
Hmm old friend definitely a bit annoying like a brother. Who makes me laugh. And roll my eyes. But your amazing friend and person. Which please don’t change or leave ever. Don’t even bother with rude people either. Ilya

Reese Prince -
My new sister who I hope we get close. (I’ll add more soon) Ilya

Puddingsauce -
One of my oldest friends. Who I apperciate no matter what happens. Even though I think your boyfriend is odd or werid. I'm not gonna hate you or not talk to you.

Thelma -

Your like a sister to me. Your so amazing in your own way. I love how you always talk about your gf its cute. Trust me you two are cute, I will always watch your back. Don't let people drag you down ever. Ilya

Rhianna K. -

Reeses Pieces your like one of my best friends. The way we meant was really weird. I love that your obsessed about the Dolan Twins and how your secretly married to one of them. And I;m happy for you and Luc. Trust me,I saw that one day you two would come together. I love that you let me rant about my bf, I apperciate it. Please don't let anyone get in your head and please stay for me and your friends. Ilya

Indigo Arcee -

Your an amazing friend and my oldest friend. Your incredible person, I love how your in love with WDW. It gives me a chance to talk about boy bands to someone. I know lately you have had problems and I'm here for you no matter what. I will stop my date if you need to talk. And I;m sure Charlie would do the same. Trust me he forgives you. From what I saw of him he's an amazing guy for you. Stay strong and as Tinker Bell says "Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust'' Ilya

Melissa Malfoy -

Your like an older sister to me. Your so lucky to have Luke, he's really amazing and talented. And your a amazing mother. Don;t let anyone tell you different. I appceriate that you never give up on anything. I got ya if you need help I'll be there. Ilya

Luke Hemmings -

Gosh well Luke your a really good friend and artist. You music is so amazing. Just know I'll support your music till 5SOS is done. Even though I might be bumed. I know we much but when we do it's nice that you help when I need it and I apperciate.

Harvey Cantwell -

My music friend since day one. The one who is the person I rp always. An amazing artist with catchy music that gets stuck in my head. The one who is weird. I will always your support music, And always be there for you. I swear and I will never leave cause I couldn't. I hope one day I'll go to your concerts but might need ear plugs from the teen girls screaming cause they saw you. And I wouldn't faint if I saw you or scream. Cause I'm not that person. Anyway please come to me if you need to talk about anything. And I'll always back you up no matter what.. And yes I'll keep listening to your music as I'm typing this I'm listening to your music. Ilya

Katie Marie -

Your really nice friend. I know I might of never been open to you. Because of everything that has happened. And I'll start being open to you. And I hope you and Harv get better.

Annabeth Granger -

Annie my little sis on here, I adore you so much. And I love how you love the books I read. And I love how your remind me alot when I was younger. Now not so much. I love that your very innocent. Stay the amazing little sis I know you are and btw stay annoying. Ilya\

Annabeth Fang -

Lou my sis in irl. I love you so much, I love how you protect me and your friends. I honestly hate how your growing up so much. Not in a bad way. I wish you stayed the little girl I would dress up. And yes I knew you hated it but Alex wouldn't let me. Dont let people bully you. Ilya

Charles Moretti -

Charlie my brother in law. Well I know we haven't talked in so long. But I still hope one day you will. I miss ya hope your good..

Sunny Moretti -

My twin I swear. Sisters with two different mothers. I miss ya. I miss talking about fashion with you. Stay incredible and hope you come back.Ilya

Tristian Hays -

Trixie, my little brother. Your an amazing human being. I love how you let me rant. I apperciate it. Your unique in your own way. Dont let people judge you ever. Or tell me and I'll get them, Ilya

Liam Perice -

Noodles one of my close friends. I hope you stay the way you are, I know your going through alot and I'm always here for you. I hope things get better for you. And I hope you and Fel get married.

Liam Stone -
A new friend who has the same name as my other friend. And who is so far a friend that loves Doctor Who and I get to talk about DW all the time.

Ava Dennis -

One of my little sisters. So weird in your own way. The one who sings songs with me.
Please dont listen to the haters. YOur perfect in your own way. As Selena Gomez says it " Who says your not perfect, who says your not worth it'' Well the answer is no one. Ilya

Ray Orin -

Rooster my great friend who makes me laugh. And who lets me talk about my problems which I appercieate, Stay the amazing person you are.

Orion Prince -

My weird sister. The one who liked Roadtrip and all the other boy bands. The one who has a bf btw you two are cute hope you two stay together, Stay the way you are Princess. Ilya

Beau Herondal -

A friend who’s there for me. And who is an amazing mother to her children. Plus my Shadowhunter buddy. And your a really great friend I appreciate your advice when you give it to me. Don’t ever change. Ilya

Mirella Prince -

My sister so far and hopefully a friend. I'll add more soon

Stef Nena Foster -

A badass friend so far hope we can talk more

Fel -
One of my oldest friends and one of my bffs. Your strong. Hold on. Hope you and Liam stay together you two are perfect for each other. Ilya ttyl

Cru Jones -

Just meant you Charlie Puth. So I hope we become good friends

Kai Syris -

Same to you to Siri

Alex Winchester -

Badass hunter and one of my bffs. Stay safe and keep an eye on your brothers. Ilya

Castiel -

Just meant you hope you stay safe. Youll need the luck

Jack Learson -

My babe, the one I hope is always mine. A father to five amazing babies. I love everything about you. And the fact that you always make me blush. And I swear you do it on purpose. I love that you don’t push me into things I don’t want to do. Your an amazing boyfriend that hopefully I love forever. I never want you to change. Your the one I think about a lot. You’re the reason I smile all the time and for my cheeks hurting. All the love songs that pop on the radio is about you to me. I want you to be happy. I care about your feelings and I never want you sad. Cause then I’m sad and I try to cheer you up the best I can. Cause I love you with all my heart. And who is gonna be a great father. I love you so much and don’t ever listen to haters. Ilysm❤️

Jason Yew Grace -

A old friend and I guess now my nephew. I hope you treat Max well. He deserves a lot of love. He’s may be taller then me but he’s still my little nephew and I care about him a lot. I hope you two are very happy. And congrats on your child.

Zeke Grey -

A friend who I appreciate a lot. Even though I guess we’ve known each other awhile. And not really friends till now. Zeke don’t let anyone tell you who you have to be or what to be. It’s no ones right to do so. If you want to be someone else then do it for you. I’m always here if you need to talk.

Kacey and Cassidy Williams -

My new sisters who I hope to get to know better. And aunts to my daughter.

Favorite Music - to many favorites to fill
Favorite movies - Twilight Saga or Titanic
Favorite Tv Shows - The 100, Super Girl, The Flash, Beauty and The Beast, Doctor Who, Supernatural
Favorite book series - The Selection

Children -

Brittany J. Prince/Learson
Birth date: June 18, 2017

Name: Juliet (Jules) Learon/Prince
Birthday: 03/20/2016

Left to right it goes James, Alex and Cody

James Learson/Prince was born on July 4, 2017
Alex Learson/Prince born on June 19, 2017
Cody Learson/Prince born on April 9, 2017

Nephew: Harvey Levi Hemmings, Maxwell Lanter
Neise - Ariana Lynn and Millie Grace
Pets - Spice, Iris (shared btw Harv and I)
Siblings on here - Annabeth Fang, Alex Lee Lydia, Harvey Cantwell, Ava Dennis, Thelma, Annabeth Granger, Melissa Malfoy, Talyor Zeklos, Orion Prince, Mirella Prince, Roxanna Prince
My twin - Sunny Moretti Black
Cousins -
Mom -
Bffs - Rhi, Harvey, Alex, Indi, Fel

Nicknames -

Water Music
Pure thing
Baby Girl

RP rules: finally coming out of my shell and taking my life by storm... so adventurous and intrested
I don't mind any person views
no romance unless asked and with one of my RP characters
no sexual please
romance stays in the RP only or my bf might kill you
I dont mind flirting
I prefer other people starting the RP first
Any romance must stay in the RP only

RP Character -

Mia Halls:

how do i delete

Age - 16
Status - ?????
Height - 5’4
Eyes - brown
Hair - brown

Created by - Annabeth Granger

You should know about me -

Head of the Party planning
French is my second language so I might speak it sometimes
I am very protective over my friends and family (and my bf)
I despise of haters and complainers and people who say shit about my best my best friends plus my boyfriend, I ignore anyone who is rude to anyone I care about
I am a fangirl
I am friendly if you don't get on my bad side
I may be sweet when you meet me but I can switch to mean mode real quick
I appear as a fallen angle but I can be a demon when that person get's on my bad side
I hate when guys flirt with me when I have someone already
I'm also mom to five adorable babies

Who’s mine the Martinez twins (Spanish cuties), Ethan Dolan (jk Rhi), Jack Learson (definitely mine and mine only so back off), Johan from WDW (I call dibs on him) Rye Beaumont from RoadTrip (I call dibs on him also)


This hoodie was a gift from my sister Reese Prince

❤️ Jack and I ❤️

how do i delete

Reese and I (sister)

Zeke and I (Zekey)

Ava and I (Potato)

Jason and I (my nephew)

Elara and I (Thelma)

Kai and I (Siri)

Annie and I (innocent little sis)

Orion and I (Princess)

Fel and I (Jelly)

Mirella and I (sister)

Levi and I (my nephew)

Drew and I

Ray and I (Rooster)

Cru and I (new guy)

Harvey and I ( weirdo)

Indigo and I (my oldest friend)

Rihanna and I (Reseese Pieces)

Credit to the owners

Poems that I love so much -

Quotes I live by -

“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.”
— The Doctor, Season 5, Episode 10

“Never ignore coincidence. Unless, of course, you’re busy. In which case, always ignore coincidence.”
— The Doctor, Season 5, Episode 12

“Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today. Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair and the Doctor comes to call, everybody lives.”
— River Song, Season 6, Episode 13

“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole,”

“…Well, call it personal experience. Nobody gets that angry unless they’re talking about their own family.”

“Once a wise man told me. ‘Family don’t end in blood.’ But it doesn’t start there either. Family cares about you. Not what you can do for them. Family is there for the good, bad, all of it. They got your back. Even when it hurts. That’s family.

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