Be a warrior in a world of worriers.
- Joined April 2023
- Member of Gryffindor
- 49 House Points
- 1st Year
Muggle Communication:
- Instagram: miss.aisha.erakkodan
- Discord: CosmoStar#9297
- Facebook: i'll check and update later
Feel free to reach out!!
I own a dormitory for Gryffindor girls, owl me for more information.
I also own a group (general) for all Houses (girls only) too, again, owl me for info.
*the reason why I kept these "only girls" is because, personally, I do not chat too much with guys. I do have friends who are guys, but I do not talk to them very much. In fact, it has been more than a month and I haven't texted a single one of them. Especially online, as I don't know them, I chat very less with guys. I searched for a girls only dorm, I couldn't find one, so I created one in case someone else feels the same. Hope you understand :)
My name is Aisha Simra. I am a muggle-born (meaning my parents haven't read/watched HP) and I wholeheartedly believe in the wizarding world, so please do not say "what do you do in real life?". You can ask me what I do to keep my muggle cover (International Statute of Secrecy exists, you know), which I will be answering right now.
My muggle life : I live in Bahrain, however I am Indian. I am studying for IGCSE exams, which are class 10 board exams for international students studying with UK curriculum. And yeah I am 12 years old. I am a homeschooler, so I can focus on both Magical and Muggle education. The reason I focus on Muggle Ed as well is certificate. What am I supposed to say to my Muggle friends when I am 20 or something? That I am still doing IGCSEs? I need to get into an university etc. for Muggles to not suspect me. My fav subs in Muggle Ed is Physics (very related to transfiguration I think), Mathematics (Arthemethics I think..), Chemistry (similar to potions) and English (Muggles study the language you and I speak 😉). I really dislike Biology (study of living beings).
I found out about (and fell in love with) The Wizarding World when I was 11 (yes, I know, perfect age). However, I am 12 right now. Which means I will have to catch up on Year 1; which I should have done last year. I think, I will do Year 1 this year, and Year 2 and Year 3 next year. Then I can go on with Year 4 normally. HiH has really saved me :). My model character(s) is Hermoine and Ginny (they are amazing). My faviroute subject is (for now, I just started) DADA.
My hobbies (both worlds): Sketching, watching POVs on Youtube, reading books (academia, adventure, action, mystery, thriller, sci-fi/fiction/contemplarory, teenage/young protagonist), coming up with buisness ideas :|, public speaking, chess.
My personality: complicated. I am an Introvert, however, I love giving speeches to huge audiences of people I don't know. I prefer not speaking, rather listning in conversations. However, I participitate actively in conversations and chat with everyone, as long as they are female (I am not so comfortable with guys.. u can ofc contact me, but don't expect long convos) online. Online, I am ambivert, hence complicated :).
And here is my fav character (OC, do not copy.)
Zara Khan Diverto.
- orphan
- used as maid at orphanage
- got hogwarts letter when ordered to pick mail
- found out someone had anoymously given her 1,000 galleons.
- confused, yet still continues shopping at diagon alley, does not waste money
- goes to hogwarts
- sorted into all gryffindor, ravenclaw, huffelpuff and slytherin.
- first time in history sorting hat chooses more than one house for one student
- chooses gryffindor
- everyone shocked
- headmistress asks to talk in office after feast
I am writing a fan fiction on this character, she goes in the same year as albus potter and rose granger weasley (become best friends). I just can't figure out a plot for the first year, she is a introvert, so i dont want anything too much, but i still want it to be huge.
XOXO -Aisha Simra <3