

Happiness can always be found even in the darkest times if only one remembers to turn on the light. -Albus Dumbledore-

  • Joined January 2022
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 89 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Information about me! (RP)

Name: Caro H.


Birthday: March 2, 2008.


Birthplace: London, England


Blood Status: Pure-Blood


School Attended: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Occupation on HiH: 1st year Ravenclaw Student.


Wand: Pinewood, Phoenix feather core, 9 3/4 and unyielding flexibility.


Pet: None.


Patronus: Swan.


General Appearance.


Caro has dark brown hair. She was born a natural brunette. She is quite short, just five feet tall and 2 inches, and has blue green eyes. She has several small moles on her face. She usally wears sweaters, jeans, pullovers or jackets when she isnt wearing her school uniform.

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