Ruth Maeve Morgan


  • Joined August 2021
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 204 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Being sorted into Ravenclaw has been a lifelong dream of mine. I have always valued the power of knowledge and a love of learning. When I sat with the Sorting Hat on my head I waited with anticipation, hoping that my dreams would come true. Within seconds the Sorting Hat cried 'Ravenclaw' and I felt my heart sore as I took my seat amongst my fellow Ravenclaws. I loved the History of Magic and found Charms fascinating. Although my mother is an auror, Defence Against the Dark Arts has been a challenge for me and I am not as keen on Transfiguration as I thought I would be. I am excited to begin learning electives next year and plan to take them all. My father is a teacher at a muggle secondary school which is where I got my love of learning from. I have found many friends who are Half-Bloods especially since Voldemort's demise. I was 3 when it happened so I have little memory of the event but my mother fought hard against the Dark Arts and I am proud to be her daughter. 

When I graduate I hope to become a Professor at Hogwarts although I am unsure of what subject I would like to teach, I love them all! I hope to pass on my love of learning to future generations of witches and wizards when they come to Hogwarts. The most amazing part of magic is that there are no limitations, there are always so many new and wonderful things to learn about magic, it feels like the world is an adventure. 

I come from a long line of Gryffindors, my mother's family being purebloods which has caused some tension in the family. However, my father and mother are proud of me for following my own path and my mother has supported my love of learning with my very own magical library. I love to sit there and read all day with my cat Morgana. She could sit and lounge in the sun all day, I am excited to bring her to Hogwarts so she can explore the caste with me. 



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