Hi! I'm Chastity, I'm a singer/songwriter/composer/writer, I am new to RPing, but I'm catching on! Owl me!
- Joined June 2021
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Name: Ginifer BlackCrown
Age: 16/17
Status: Single Pringle
Personality: depends if I like you or not, can be flirty, standoffish, or whatever but usually sweet, quiet, and I'm an empath, so whatever you feel, too
Hobbies: reading, writing songs and books and love letters and poems, singing quietly to myself, petting my pets
House: Slytherin
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Maze Runner, Divergent, Gallagher Girls, Mysterious Benedict Society, Gilmore Girls, Manifest, Disney...
Looks: Blue/green eyes (they change color), DARK brown hair, long and wavy-ish, tall-ish, graceful, small hands
I was a natural-born Slytherin through and through, but, once I turned 10, I started to show many signs of a Ravenclaw as well. My family, chock-full of Gryffindors and Slytherins, didn't really understand, but supported me nonetheless. Once I arrived at Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat (who I affectionately call Jerry) came to a 3 minute HatStall, between, you guessed it, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. After 2 1/2 minutes, he started going through my memories to see what I wanted to be. I had always wanted to be a Ravenclaw, but, I wanted to do the things my family did, so, I chose Slytherin.
I love Transfiguration and DADA, and, uh, I'm not the best at Herbology or Arithmancy, but I really enjoyed Divination, however foggy the future may be.
Technically, I'm a pureblood, but there are so many half-bloods in my family, I like to think of myself as a Quarter-Born. As I am lowkey both, I fit in alright with the purebloods and the half-bloods, and the muggle-borns are alright too.
I'm actually from America, so I didn't hear much about the war until I joined Hogwarts and heard about it from relatives of those in the war.
My greatest strength is probably my ability to 'read' minds, (long story, I'll tell you later) and my greatest weakness is how I am naturally suspicious of anyone and anything, making it a little hard to make friends.
Once I am done with school, I want to start a magically based orphanage for witches and wizards/warlocks with no parents, or no money, or their home is too far away-like mine.
I love the easyness that magic adds to everyday life. I can do my homework, clean my dorm, write a letter, and wash my socks all at the same time! As I said before, I'd love to start an orphanage, so I'd use magic to help others.
Being 100%, totally completely honest, I really want a family of my own, but it's lowkey hard to believe it'll happen. I also really really desire to be better than I ever thought I could be, and better than my Mom ever thought that I could be, too.
I have one cat, Revra, (pronounced rr-ehv-rr-ah) she's a tortoiseshell ragdoll mix, and waaaay soft, she's basically the magical equivalent of a therapy animal. She loves cuddles, is a very vocal cat, and hates all things mouse or rat.
In my family, I've got only one really weird aunt, she's how I got my mindreading. She experiments with potions and spells, and got really really good at it, she's written tons of books, and, uh, her methods of experimentation aren't the best, but she has a good heart.
(In RP, it's the same mostly, can be girl or guy, age can change, looks can change, name can change, but this is the basic. My usual guy is Conner, btw)