Onyx Woody

Your Character

  • Joined June 2021
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 7 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I don't really know why I am a witch, because I DEFFINITLY don't wanna be one. My family is all muggle born with the exception of me and my younger sister. Annnnnnnd our parents maybe hated us for it. HEY! Its not our fault! When I was sorted into Hufflepuff, My parents were even MORE mad at me, They said that the Hat was BROKEN! Can you believe that?!? They were sure I was to be a Slytherin. After that, I tried to forget about my parents, Let alone all my family members.
My hope, you may ask, Is to die Here! So I never have to see my family again.

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