hey baddies! i'm new here! credit to cinna for the profile pic! she's a queen :D
- Joined March 2021
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
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<summary>past insta posts</summary>


thanks to cinna for the profile pic

face claim: bridget saterlee

<summary>>House Pride</summary>

By •Ginny•

Name: Hanna
Nicknames: Han
Date of Birth: November 6th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single pringle
Personality: Chill, moody, sassy, outgoing, funny.
Likes and Dislikes: Likes shopping, astrology, TikTok, sleeping.
Dislikes waking up early, mean people, doing homework.
Appearance: Dark brown hair with brown highlights.
Faceclaim: Bridget Satterlee
Wizarding World
Blood Status: Pureblood (obvi)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Dragon heartstring core, acacia wood, 10", slightly flexible
Patronus: Wolf

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completed backstory coming soon....
Accio Profile Posts...