The Daily Prophet

Daily Prophet Group Account

All Info In Backstory Below

  • Joined February 2021
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


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Before you ask, this account will only follow official editors and interns of "The Daily Prophet".

<details><summary>▷ Aesthetic:</summary>


This is the official account for The Daily Prophet! It's a joint account, so all editors have access to it. If you have a question for a specific person, you can OWL their account (listed below under 'Members' and 'Editors'), or post on this account's wall with their specific name. The article schedule is now that they will be published on Friday every 2 weeks. If you have any questions, first check the FAQ, as they might be answered there, OWL the account, or post on the wall. If you wonder when an issue will be published, first check the master copy. The library is getting clogged (no offense, but some newspapers have hundreds of issues published and are taking up a lot of space), so we try to keep most issues in one book. We still make an extra book for other issues, but we wait until the Library feed slows down before we publish. Thank you for your time!


<details><summary>▷Members of the Paper:</summary>
<details><summary>▷Editors:</summary>Creator- Kaitlyn Lovegood
Ginny S.
Luna Johnson
Angelina J.
Rorry!!!!!! (Ginny S.'s Pet Red Panda)
❆ Vesper Ivy Kettleburn ❆
Morgana Blaze
Aristia Tudor
Briar Rose Hitsugaya
Kinsley Black
Marceline Locke
Cassandra Rose
♕•°★ˢˡʸᵗʰᵉʳⁱⁿ qᵘᵉᵉⁿ★•°•♕
Azi Catspell
^_^The Four People ^_^
Indigo Louis Parker
Raymond Potter </details>
<details><summary>▷Interns:</summary>Luna Lovegood
Marek & Emelia
The Fallen Angels (OCs)
Harry Potter </details></details>

First Edition
Second Edition
Third Edition
Fourth Edition</details>

<details><summary>▷How To Join:</summary>
-If you want to become an editor, join the intern team.
-The requirements to become an editor will be in the group link.
-Post any questions on the wall </details>

<details><summary>▷How To Submit Article:</summary>
1. FORM:
Username or Full Name (you can choose which):
Profile Link:
Hogwarts House**:
Article Name:
Article Overview or quote relating to the article:
Article (at least 200 words, excluding quotes):
Rough Draft or Final Copy (choose one)*:
*Please note that all grammar will be corrected by Kaitlyn Lovegood before being added into the book. It will be looked over more thoroughly and given a few editing tips if submitted as a rough draft.
**We ask for house since the articles may begin to be seperated in 4 chapters by house.
OWL this (after filling it out) to this account.
2. Fill out the form at this link:

Thank you in advance for submitting any articles. If you want to request an article idea, post "Article Idea: [whatever your idea is]" on the profile wall. Short stories are allowed. If you want any drama on HiH reviewed, post all post links and/or screenshots (only if on OWL or in a group. if in group, add group link. if on owl, get permission for all involved parties). ~Kaitlyn Lovegood, Founder of TDP</details>

<details><summary>▷Master Copy Of Daily Prophet Articles:</summary></details>

<details><summary>▷TDP Owned Groups:</summary>
<details><summary>▷The Daily Prophet Editors:</summary>
This is the group for official editors. If you'd like to join and become a part of the team, instructions are above and/or request to join the interns group. Find the link to that above or below under 'The Daily Prophet Interns'. The people in this group have access to this profile. They are also the people who write the articles, ads, and poems you read about in the paper. </details>
<details><summary>▷The Daily Prophet Interns:</summary>
This is a group for people who want to join the Daily Prophet team. There are some requirements to become an editor, but unlike some news groups, it's really easy to be an intern. It's also quite simple to graduate from intern to editor.
Join Here~ </details>
<details><summary>▷The Daily Prophet Article Updates:</summary>
This is a group for people who read The Prophet to get updates on stories such as 'The Missing Ravenclaw', etc. that were left with a loose end. The editor who wrote the article, if asked, will post the latest update on the story in the group feed.
Join Here~ </details>
<details><summary>▷The Quibbler:</summary>
This is a magazine. It publishes less frequently as is less professional than the Prophet for people who want to write as more of a side thing with/for friends. It was created by the same person who created The Prophet. People from all newspapers can join the magazine, but it's publicly linked to the Prophet.
Join Here~ </details> </details>

None Yet. Post questions on the wall or OWL them, and the questions and responses will be added here. </details>

<button type="button" onclick="alert('Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, post them on the feed or OWL them. You can also ask the group owner, Kaitlyn Lovegood, directly. Your questions will be responded quicker by Kaitlyn, but will be answered on this account within a week.')">Finish Note</button> </body> </html>
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