Mary Jane


Hey Hey! I hope we can all be friends here at Hogwarts :D I'm wishing you all safety during covid-19 ^^ Bye!

  • Joined January 2021
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 7 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I come from a small village in England, where I live with my younger sister, and my mum and dad. When I first got my Hogwarts letter, My parents were on the brim of tears. Being a small family, and I being the eldest, made the pressure much deeper than to be my little sister, who still had 2 years until she got her letter. My father expects me to be top of my classes, which might be hard since I have quite a short attention span...
Anyway, 2 days before the term started, My mum took me to Diagon Alley to get my books. Once we had gotten a new cauldron, my year 1 books, basic potions books and all that, My mum took me to the wand shop. I was so excited to get a new wand! The wand I had chosen was a cherry wood wand, 12 inches, with one phoenix feather. Since my birthday was just a week earlier, my parents decided to allow me a pet owl! As soon as a walked into the store, I fell in love with a beautiful tawny barn owl, soon to be named Zeus.
My dream is to be on my houses' quidditch team! I would love to be the seeker or a beater since I was always fast, but also sporty. My dad was a school prefect, and my mum was on the Gryffindor quidditch team, so if I had to choose, I would choose my mums' path. I was always mischievous at a young age, so being a prefect would be hard for me, haha.
Well, I hope we can all be friends at Hogwarts, and I wish you all a brilliant day!
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