Amy Black



  • Joined November 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Turkey


I'm a slyhterin. And the reason the hat put me here is because I'm so strong And I have a sneaky production. The sorting hat took me a very long time to place me. I like DADA but ı am in love with potions. Definitely history,why would even a ghost teach it? Hm ı am good in every class but ı dont like flying classes. Hah Pureblood. Everyone respects me and ı know about muggle word too so ı am really respected.Voldemort did so much mistakes, there was a chaos but ı wasnt so scared. Hehe ı am both good at light and dark, did you know that you can use Lumos for make someone blind? I can be obsessed about something! I am lazy and ı hate it when noone takes the situation seriously. Join the Dark Lord and tell all of my plans to him. I am still a student TwT. İt is so easy to do magic. I love how you can do everything with just your imagination. I can do both ı can help people but in the end ı would get what ı want. I want to be important for someone seen as a rol model, maybe a big brother would be good. I have a wolf(Night), snake(Vırus) and an owl(Owly). All of them are so protective over me and warns me when something bad happens. And it is soo cute that ı am the only one who they let them to see their cute actions. We are crazier than all of the other families.All of us are known with their torture ways. We love eachother and respect everyone.(Also all of the family is obsessed with protecting Malfoys)We dont like muggke borns so much but we respect and love some of them. We agreed we will protect Hogwarts.
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