✰ slytherin ♡ capricorn ☽ istp
- Joined October 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 125 House Points
- 1st Year
- Australia
Faith Achyls Emrys
house: slytherin
wand: 11’ hazel wood with a phoenix core
patronus: thestral
blood status: pure
hey there, i’m Emrys, Faith Emrys.
i just transfered to hogwarts and got sorted into slytherin! i come from a long line of slytherins so i was honestly not surprised.
i love reading and sketching - so if you can’t find me in the common room, then i’m probally at black lake doing said. i also love astrology and plants and i'm obsessed with reading.
i have a black cat named Loki and a black barn owl named Venus.
i am a registered silver fox animagus.
well i guess thats all from me - for now. feel free to owl me anytime!
- Faith <3
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