Clary Perez


in case you haven't noticed, i'm weird

  • Joined April 2014
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 26 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Philippines


I grew up knowing what I was, a child of magic. Yet unfortunately, despite my wizarding roots, I had never stepped into the world where I was meant to be. My parents had decided to go into hiding when Lord Voldemort rose again to power, as they had been known to have defied him during his first rise. They wouldn't have run, really, if it wasn't for me. If I hadn't just been born six months prior, they might have joined their fellow Order of the Phoenix members into battle. But they didn't. They didn't want me to grow up without a loving family to care for me. So they ran in the midst of the chaos and bought three plane tickets, flying way beyond the pond and landed in the Philippines. And they haven't looked back since. Even when the battle ended and all was well, they never really took me back. So I grew up in the Philippines, and I had never been happier. When I started showing signs of magic, they began to teach me all about it. They figured there was no point in hiding what they were, what we were, from me. And as I neared my 11th birthday, we moved back to England for me to wait for my Hogwarts letter, knowing it was inevitable that I would get in. And get in, I did.


NAME: Clarissa Annemarie Perez (real last name: Peverell)
NICKNAMES: Clary, Clare, Annie, Ris
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Filipino, Bisaya (Filipino dialect)

Josephine 'Jo' Medea Peverell née Hearthstone (mother)
Watson Lysander Peverell (father)
Unnamed little brother

WAND: Sycamore wood, 11 1/2 inches, phoenix feather core.
PATRONUS: White Mare

PERSONALITY: She is a total dork, can become pretty clumsy but is a surprisingly adept flyer. Her dad had taught her how to fly at the age of eight, when they rented a private cabin while on summer vacation at Palawan. He's been teaching her a bit of Quidditch, and she is a decent Chaser. She is also a huge bookworm, and has a fascination for mythology - any kind of it.

DISCLAIMER: The girl in the picture is not me. She is only a faceclaim, and is actually named Ylona Garcia – a Filipino celebrity.
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