Gwyneth Lestrange


  • Joined September 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 74 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


"Lestrange, Gwyneth!"
I've never been more nervous in my life. Of course, all first-years are nervous about the house sorting. But not all first years get a swarm of whispers at their name. I assumed the sorting hat would take no time to call my house, but as the seconds began to pass, I started to scare. Well? I thought. Don't you know who I am? "I am very aware of who you are Miss Lestrange," said a voice in my head. "I just want to be sure this is what you want, not just the people around you." I do want this. I have to. And with that-

Hello, My name is Gwyneth Lestrange, a first-year Slytherin. Gwyn is cool too. I should also mention that yes, I am related to Bellatrix Lestrange, My Aunt. I do not know who my exact parents are, every time I ask I am sent to my room. All I know is there had been some disgraceful things happening in my family, my Aunt coming to be the closest thing to a mother I have. I come from a very rich, pure-blood, and well-known family. I'm aware the first years aren't allowed to join the quidditch team, so I intend to be keeper next year. My favorite class so far would probably be potions, something I've grown quite fond of. Or maybe charms, given I'm good with wandwork. That's mostly all you'll get from this, I only open up to those worthy of my time. So that's probably not you. I'll see you all in the great hall for dinner.

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