Adrianna Rosewood

Student Pureblood Study group for first years. Slytherin Common Room

  • Joined September 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 108 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


My name is Adrianna Rosewood. I was born into a pureblood family. At only three years old I was stripped away of my parents. Father was condemned to Azkaban, and well my mother... she left us a few months after my father was taken away. My siblings, I have five, they are all older than me, have always tried keeping the truth about our parents... my parents a secret from me. Growing up in an environment where I was shamed for things that were out of my control broke me. The stories I would hear of my terrible father shocked me. The faint memories of my early day, showed a brave yet caring man, who loved his youngest daughter unconditionally. Yet, he is the villain in their story. But what if the only difference is who is telling the story. I’ve been journaling my findings for the past few months. Since September of 2020. I have been looking for my mother. She might have answers that could benefit me. I don’t long for a relationship with her, but I feel as though she went into hiding. I say this because I believe my father is innocent. There is a faint line between good and evil, hero and villain, but what happens when someone blurs those lines. That person will be me. I will give my family name a new meaning. No longer will my family be known as the one with a father in Azkaban, and an absentee mother. It will be known as the most persevered family to ever exist. This is my legacy.
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