Mari Caraway


  • Joined September 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 84 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


I'm a Hufflepuff student who was a bit of a hatstall when I was being sorted, eventually after bobbing between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, the decision was made. I come from a family of half-bloods that have recently moved back to Ireland after generations in America. After leaving our dragon sanctuary to my older sister, we have restarted another rehabilitation center here. I'm most excited about Care for Magical Creatures when the time comes, and Defense Against the Dark Arts! I did ask the Headmistress if I was able to bring a young dragon as my familiar, but that was settled with a stern NO, so I've settled with my family cat, Pinafore. I'm excited for what my years at Hogwarts will bring me! (Pronouns are They/Them)

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