Skip Peacock


  • Joined September 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I went to Hogwarts like every other student who recieved a letter. I was put into Hufflepuff, even though I wasn't much like the others. I'm bold and ready to fight someone, but at other times I am a caring person. When I was at Hogwarts, most of my friends weren't Hufflepuffs. I fit in with the Slytherins and Griffindors pretty well. During my third year, I found out that I was an asexual lesbian. I had gotten a girlfriend and she introuduced me to the world of healing, I immediately fell in love with it. Now, that same girl that I dated is my coworker. If you haven’t guessed, we work on the Second Floor in the Magical Bugs and Diseases department.

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