written by Amity Fox

Being a Fortune teller modernly and successfully connecting to the catalyst and energy source of powerful divination within. Common methods used for fortune telling in Europe and the Americas include astromancy, horary astrology, pendulum reading, spirit board reading, tasseography (reading tea leaves in a cup), cartomancy (fortune telling with cards), tarot reading, crystallomancy (reading of a crystal sphere), and chiromancy (palmistry, reading of the palms). The last three have traditional associations in the popular mind with the Roma and Sinti people (often called "gypsies"). Another form of fortune telling, sometimes called "reading" or "spiritual consultation", does not rely on specific devices or methods, but rather the practitioner gives the client advice and predictions which are said to have come from spirits or in visions.

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Chapter 3
Personal Practice.
Amity Fox as Higher Priestess.
Most methods of Divination take some time for One to perfect. One may prefer to use particular methods rather than others, depending on which they have the most passion for. Or the magicians energy may resonate with certain methods of Divination.
Practice various methods of Divination, in order to find appropriate techniques to suit you personally.

My own Personal Methods of Divination are based off the development my intuition especially upon a particular querant.
Firstly, I look at the Querant. I discover the querants name and birth-date.
Look at the letters within Gematria, and the meanings or culture behind the name and find out the history of the surname.
Ones birth-date is vital to calculate a natal chart.
For myself, getting a natal chart is key to the beginning of a great reading.
Zodiac sun, moon and ascendant signs as well as the positions of the planetary at the time of birth will give a reading with interpretations on personality, and life harmonic and convergence lines form patterns.
Once a full detailed natal chart reading has been created, a Chinese astrology sign and a Numerology number can be defined. Combined, these readings make up a unique story.
The Querant may now be given a number/s, woods, flowers and herbs, and crystal gemstones that associate with each character trait. This allows powerful magic to be used in readings to invoke the querants persona into answers.
An altar may then be set with appropriate adornments, and a ceremony then takes place. Languages and symbols that reflect the querants purpose should be used within this initial sacrament. These rites alter vastly between sittings, suiting each one very individually.
After this has taken place, I can begin working my cards.
I usually begin this in my second session, after I have prepared a tarot deck wisely, to suit the querants unique culture, astrology and crystal gemstones present.
I use a variety of Tarot spreads aswell as Cartomancy spreads with playing cards, tending to research the correct interpretations for these omens. This usually takes one whole session, and much ink and parchment; tarot readings are meant to have fun with. The outcomes can be very different and there is much to be explored. Meanwhile, my whole experience also involves some of the many methods listed below.
Essential oils are burned throughout, with relevance to their properties.

Aeromancy: Divination through interpreting atmospheric conditions, divided into several subtypes.
Austomancy (wind)Ceraunoscopy/Keraunomancy (Thunder & lightning)Chaomancy (Aerial visions)Meteromancy (Meteors, Shooting Stars)
Ailuromancy: Under Zoomancy
Alectormancy/Alectromancy/Alectryomancy: Divination through observing birds (often roosters) pick through scattered grains and marking the “cock’s crow” as letters from the alphabet. (e.g. the rooster pecks at three grains and crows, denoting the letter “c”)
Aleuromancy: Divination through messages written on paper and inserted into dough. (e.g. Fortune Cookies). Another method involves reading the residue left in a flour/water container.
Alomancy/Halomancy: Divination through interpreting spilled salt.
Alphitomancy/Cursed Bread: Determining a guilty party by feeding him/her a loaf of barley bread. Those who experience indigestion are considered guilty.
Amniomancy: Divination by interpreting the caul (the part of the placenta remaining on the head) at a baby’s birth.
Anthropomancy/Antinpomancy/Splanchomancy: Divination by interpreting the entrails of a human sacrifice.
Apantomancy: Divination through interpreting objects or beings encountered in a “chance meeting”, for instance, a black cat crossing your path.
Arachnomancy: Under Zoomancy > Entomancy
Arithmancy: Divination using numbers
Arithmosophy: Divination through Michael Bertiaux’s technique of converting words to numbers.
Gematria: Hebrew numerology, usually interpreting Hebrew bible passages assigning numeric values to letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Numerology: Divination through using dates and words turned to numbers (i.e. C=3), often birthdates and names.
Aruspicy/Extispicy/Haruspicy: Divination by examining the entrails of a sacrificed animal
Hepatoscopy/Hepatomancy: examining the liver of a sacrificial animalAstragalamancy/Astragalomancy/Astragyromancy/Cleromancy:Divination through dice, originally done with sheep bones.
Astrology: Divination by the positions of the planets, the sun and the moonGenethlialogy/Natal Astrology: Divination of the influence of the stars on birth.Horoscopy: Divination by interpreting a horoscope
Autography/Automatic Writing/Psychography: Written communication with a spirit done unconsciously by a person in a trance or semi-conscious state.
Axinomancy: Divination by throwing an axe or hatchet and observing the direction of the handle or (sometimes with a saw) interpreting the quivering of the blade.

Belomancy/Bolomancy: Divination by shooting, tossing, or balancing an arrow.Bibliomancy/Stichomancy: Divination by randomly chosen passages in books, most often religious books.Rhapsodomancy: Using a book of poetryStoichemancy: Using a book by Virgil or HomerBook of Changes: See I ChingBotanomancy: Under Pyromancy > XylomancyBrontoscopy: Interpreting the sound of thunder

Capnomancy: Under Pyromancy
Carromancy: Divination by observing melting wax
Cartomancy: Divination by using a deck of cards
Taromancy: Divination by using a deck of Tarot Cards
Causimomancy: Under PyromancyCeraunoscopy: Under AeromancyCeromancy/Ceroscopy: Divination through pouring melted wax into water
Chien Tung: SeeiChing
Chaomancy: Under Aeromancy
Cheiromancy/Chiromancy: Divination through the study of the hand, fingers, fingernails and palms.
Onychomancy: Divination through interpreting the fingernails.
Palmistry/Palm Reading: Divination through reading and interpreting the lines and structure of the hand.
Clairsentience: Any form of paranormal sensing ability.
Clairvoyance: Also called “second sight”, the ability to interpret or foretell the unseen
Clairaudience: An auditory form of clairvoyance
Precognition: Divination through the psychic ability to “see” the future.
Psychometry: Divination through touching or handling an object
Cledomancy: Divination through interpreting random events or statements.
Cleidomancy/Clidomancy: Under Radiesthesia > PallomancyCleromancy: See AstragalamancyCoscinomancy/Cosquinomancy: Under Radiesthesia > Pallomancy
Crithomancy/Critomancy: Divination through interpreting sacrificial cakes and breads.
Cromniomancy: Divination by interpreting the sprouting behavior of onions
Cursed Bread: See Alphitomancy
Cybermancy: Divination through computer
Cyclomancy: Divination through interpreting the revolutions of a spinning bottle, top, or turning wheel.

Dactyliomancy/Dactlomancy: Under Radiesthesia > Pallomancy
Daphnomancy: Under Pyromancy > Xylomancy
Demonomancy: Divination by summoning demons to reveal the future.
Dendromancy: Divination using either oak or mistletoe
Divining/Dowsing: Under Radiesthesia

Entomancy: Under Zoomancy
Extispicy: See Aruspicy

Feng Shui: The Ancient Chinese art of placing objects, furnishings, and buildings to create an harmonious and healthy flow of chi (energy that flows around us and carries the life force).
Fractomancy: Divination through interpreting the structure of fractal patterns.
Futurology: Prediction of the future based on existing conditions.

Gematria: Under Arithmancy
Genethlialogy: Under Astrology
Geomancy: Divination by interpreting the lines and figures traced in the earth, either by reading the lines and figures in cast pebbles, dirt, or sand or interpretation of those already existing in the earth’s natural formations.
Geloscopy: Divination through interpretation of the sound or manner of laughter.
Graphology: Divination through the interpretation of handwriting
Gyromancy: Divination by walking or twirling around a circle marked with letters until dizzy and, using the letters at the point where the person falls or stumbles to spell out a prophecy

Halomancy: See Alomancy
Haruspicy: See Aruspicy
Hepatoscopy/Hepatomancy: Under Aruspicy
Hieromancy/Hieroscopy: Divination by interpreting burnt offerings or slaughtered animals.
Hippomancy: Under ZoomancyHoroscopy: Under Astrology
Hydromancy/Ydromancy: Divination by interpretation of water, including its color, ripples, ebb and flow.Hydatoscopy: Divination by interpreting rainwater.
Lecanomancy: Divination through interpreting the sounds or the ripples made by stones dropped into water.
Pegomancy: Divination through the interpretation of sacred waters such as springs, pools, wells, or fountains

I Ching/Book of Changes/Chien Tung: An Ancient Chinese type of divination to reveal patterns of change through deep introspection and intuitive thought.
Ichthyomancy: Divination by interpreting the behavior or the entrails of fish.
Idolomancy: Divination by interpreting idols.Iridology: Under Oculomancy


Keraunomancy: Under Aeromancy

Lampadomancy: Under Pyromancy
Lecanomancy: Under Hydromancy
Libranomancy/Livanomancy: Under Pyromancy > Capnomancy
Lithomancy: Divination using crystals or semi-precious stones, either interpreting the light from them or by casting them and interpreting their placement as they fall.
Lychnomancy: Under Pyromancy

Metagnomy: Divination achieved through a trancelike stateMeteromancy: Under Aeromancy
Metoposcopy: Divination through interpreting the lines and wrinkles in the forehead
Moleosophy: Divination through the interpretation of moles on the body.
Molybdomancy: Divination through interpreting the hissing sounds made by molten lead or tin dropped into water.
Myomancy: Under Zoomancy
Myrmomancy: Under Zoomancy > Entomancy

Natal Astrology: Under Astrology
Necromancy: Divination through communication with the dead.
Numerology: Under Arithmancy

Oculomancy: Divination by interpreting the eyeIridology: Divination through observing the iris of the eye.
Oenomancy/Oinomancy: Divination through interpreting wine.
Omphalomancy/Umbilicomancy: Divination through interpreting the shape of the first born’s navel or the knots in the umbilical cord to determine how many children a woman will have in her lifetime
Oneiromancy: Divination through the interpretation of dreams
Onomancy/Onomomancy: Divination by interpreting names
Onychomancy: Under CheiromancyOomancy/Ooscopy/Ovomancy: Divination by eggs
Ophiomancy: Under ZoomancyOracle: Making contact with spirits or gods.
Ornithomancy: Under Zoomancy
Ouija/Ouije: Divination with the use of a Ouija Board, a board printed with the alphabet and numbers and using a planchette to spell out messages.

Pallomancy: Under RadiesthesiaPalmistry/Palm Reading: Under Cheiromancy
Pegomancy: Under Hydromancy
Phyllorhodomancy: Divination through the sound made by slapping a rose petal against the hand.
Physiognomy: Divining a person’s character through interpreting the features of his/her face.
Schematomancy: Divination by observing and interpreting the face.
Podomancy: Divination through interpretation of feet.
Pedomancy: Divination through interpretation of a footprint
Precognition: Under ClairvoyancePremonition: A warning of a future event, typically an accident or disaster.Prophecy: A vision or revelation of the future, typically provided by a deity.
Psychography: See AutographyPsychomancy: Divination through the interpretation of a person’s soul, i.e. values and beliefs.
Soul ReadingPsychometry: Under ClairvoyancePyromancy: Divination by fire
Capnomancy: Divination by interpreting rising smoke
Libranomancy/Livanomancy: Divination through interpreting the smoke made by burning incense.
Causimomancy: Divination by observing objects placed in a fire
Lampadomancy: Divination by interpreting the flame of a candle, torch, or lamp
Lychnomancy: Divination through interpreting the flames of three candles
Pyroscopy: Divination by burning paper
Sideromancy: Divination by placing straws on a hot iron and observing the resulting shapes.
Spodomancy: Divination by interpreting ashes, cinders, or soot
Xylomancy: Divination by burning wood
Botanomancy: Divination by interpreting burning or burned leaves or branches
Daphnomancy: Divination by interpreting a burning laurel branch
Tephramancy: Divination through interpretation of the ashes of burnt tree bark.


R Rhapsodomancy: Under Bibliomancy
Radiesthesia: Divination through using a pendulum or rod.
Pallomancy: Divination using a pendulum
Cleidomancy/Clidomancy: divining through using a key attached to a cord or string.
Coscinomancy/Cosquinomancy: Divination using a sieve suspended from shears or tongs.
Dactyliomancy/Dactlomancy: Divination using a suspended ring
Divining/Dowsing/Water Witching: using a rod to determine the location of water
Rhabdomancy: Divination using a stick or rod.

Schematomancy: Under PhysiognomySciomancy: Divination by using a spirit guide, different from necromancy in that the guide is not summoned
Scrying: The term for divination by seeking a vision while gazing into a transparent, translucent, or otherwize reflective object.
Crystal ball gazingCrystal gazingFires ScryingInk ScryingMirror ScryingSmoke ScryingWater ScryingWine Scrying
Selenomancy: Divination of the appearance and phase of the moon.
Sideromancy: Under PyromancySkatharomancy: Under Zoomancy > Entomancy
Spasmatomancy: Divination by observing convulsionsSpatalamancy: Divination by interpreting skin, bone, or excrementScapulimancy/Scapulomancy/Spatulamancy: Divination by examining the cracks in the burned shoulder bones of an animal
Scatamancy: Divination by interpreting excrement
Spatilomancy: Divination by interpreting animal excrement
Splanchomancy: See AnthropomancySpodomancy: Under PyromancyStareomancy: Divination by interpreting the classical elements of wind, water, earth, or fire.
Sternomancy: Divination by interpreting the marks or bumbs on the solar plexus (breast to belly).
Stichomancy: See BibliomancyStoichemancy: Under Bibliomancy
Stolisomancy: Divination by interpreting a person’s style of dress
Sycomancy: Divination through writing a question on a leaf and ascertaining the answer through how quickly the leaf dries.

Taromancy: See CartomancyTasseography/Tasseomancy: Divination through reading tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments
Tephramancy: Under Pyromancy > Xylomancy
Theomancy: Divination through oracle or direct contact with God
Theriomancy: Under Zoomancy
Tiromancy/Typomancy/Tyromancy: Divination by interpreting the holes in cheese or other types of coagulation
Transataumancy: Divination by accidentally seeing or hearing.
Trochomancy: Divination by wheel ruts or tracks.

Umbilicomancy: See Omphalomancy
Uromancy/Urimancy: Divination by interpreting urine
.Urticariaomancy: Divination by the location of an itch. (e.g. your palms itch, you’ll get money or your nose itches, someone is thinking about you)


Water Witching: Under Radiesthesia > Divining

Xenomancy: Divination by interpreting meetings with strangers.
Xylomancy: Under Pyromancy

Ydromancy: See Hydromancy

Zoomancy: Divination though interpretation of the appearance and behavior of animals
Ailuromancy: Divination through observing the behavior of cats.
Entomancy: Divination by interpreting the behavior of insects
Arachnomancy: Divination by observing the behavior of spiders
Myrmomancy: Divination through the interpretation of the behavior of ants
Skatharomancy: Divination by interpreting the tracks of a beetle.
Hippomancy: Divination by interpreting the behavior of horses.
Myomancy: Divination through interpretation of the behavior of mice and rats.
Ophiomancy: Divination by observing the behavior of serpents
Ornithomancy: Divination through interpretation of the behavior, flight, and song of birds.Theriomancy: Divination through interpreting the movements of groups of animals.
Zygomancy: Divination by using weights
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