Harry Potter And The Silver Pendants Of Bondage

Eleven years later, after Linda's death, life isn't the same in the Wizarding World and School. As everyone acts differently in and out of the Wizardry School, something comes up before school day: Linda's back! But not in human form, but in a 'ghost mode'. Harry is concerned about this, but Linda reassures him and explains everything to him. She also warns him "not to mention anything about what she told him, until The Big Day comes". This troubles Harry a little bit, but accepts. As the days go by, Harry begins to wonder what Linda had told him and informs the others, with the tactics behind it. When Edvinas gets captured, Linda goes mad about it. The crew reassures her that he'll be fine, but Linda knew it has been part of Susanna's plan. As 'The Big Day' draws near, they get prepared for the battle and concentrate on their target. When they discovered their target, everything changes...

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Chapter 16 - Focusing On The Goal: The Silver Pendants Of Bondage

Chapter 16
Morning arrived. They all gathered in The Great Hall, having breakfast.
"Everyone, I'd like to present you guys, our new member and student of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry." He waved at them as Linda presented him to them.
"C-C-Chris?" Hermione stammered.
"You know this guy?" Roberto asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Y-yes, he's my ex at 'Dark Spells'." Hermione said, shocked.
"Ex or deceiving me?" Roberto asked, eyeing her and Chris.
"She's right. We are history." Chris answered. He beamed at him and at her.
"I'm Roberto. It's nice to see you." he held his hand out.
"It's nice to see you. I'm Christopher Grystova but Chris for short." he smiled, shaking his hand with his. He sat down with the others as they talked among themselves before going to lessons.
Three hours later, at lunch, they all gathered round again, except Linda, who said:
"Meet me in the library in fifteen. I've got something to show you." They all nodded and she left on her crutches immediately. When she reached there, she went to the 'S' section to look for the book 'Silver Pendant Of Bondage', but when she reached there, it was gone!
"Guys, the book is stolen! The 'SPOB' book is stolen! Follow me!" She gestures them to follow her and they ran out of The Great Hall.
When they arrived at the library, they gaped at the empty space in the 'S' section of the shelf.
"Someone MUST HAVE stolen it!" Mihy shrieked, silently.
"Yeah Mihy, but who?" Hermione asked, deep in thought.
"DEFINITELY NOT the Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaw." Harry said, looking at Linda.
"Those pesky, arrogant Slytherins." Linda answered feistily, clenching her fists tightly in fury against her crutches.
"Don't worry gorgeous, we'll catch the thief." Edvinas said, reassuring her by wrapping an arm around her.
"WE WILL make sure THEY WILL FACE the consequences cherry blossom." Chris said, holding her shoulders.
"And I KNOW EXACTLY who the hell is behind this." She brushed them off carefully and walked really fast with her crutches, using attitude, while her friends tried to keep up. When they reached outside, Linda bellowed:
"It's the library's." Edvinas said.
"WAS the library's. I went this morning and Irma said I could chose a book that I'd like to pick, since she was going to close the library at the end of the week. So I went there, I didn't see the book and that's when I told you all it was missing. I didn't know it fell on a SLYTHERIN'S hand."
He nodded. She gave her left crutch to Edvinas and went to him and grabbed him by the collar.
"Give me back my book NOW!"
"Ah, Granger Granger Granger you descant WAY TOO MUCH. I haven't got your STUPID book... or do I?" He snickered and went close to her, his forehead nearly touching hers. "How about giving EVERYONE A SHOW first, in exchange, you get your book back. Deal?"
"Book first."
"Show first."
"I'm not letting my lips crash into yours! I've already had four of them on me!"
"Four?" Harry asked, open-eyed.
"You know I fancy Chris. We kissed after he rescued me." He nodded. "Get away from me."
"I don't take 'no' as an answer Granger." She pushed him and yelled 'Stupefy Maxima!' and he was knocked backwards. The boys grinned and smiled. She went into his backpack and she said, bringing out the book:
"Gotcha! Caught, red handed!"
"Come on, let's get out of here!" Harry yelled, but Malfoy pulled Linda back and whispered in her ear, smiling evilly:
"Once I found those pendants, I'll use it on you and me and you'll belong to me!"
"Ugh, dream ON Malfoy! You're not gonna get it, especially when MY Eddie is around." She shrugged him off and they went back to their dormitories. When they arrived...
"Right. Now that we have the book back, show us what you found." She smiled at Edvinas and opened it to a page, which showed two pairs of quills.
"Oookkkaaayyy, what do quills have to do with the pendants?" Ron asked, puzzled.
"That's what I asked myself, before I read this: 'These quils are precious gifts that the two couple must receive before going into the next step. The next step will not be revealed, until those quills are found, without letting it fall into the wrong hands. The clue is "You find it open when you step in, but you don't use legs when you find it closed".' Hmm, this is harder than the last time I read it." Surprisingly, Jake starting pacing around, deep in thoughts.
"Obviously, this investigation takes place at DagPark, so obviously, tomorrow we must start this quest. Linda, bring that book tomorrow when we depart to Dagenham Park. We MUST make a move if we want to beat Sarah in this mission." The others agreed and they went to their respectful dormitories, except for Linda.
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