Complete Book of Spells

written by Ben Nocturne

A list of most spells mentioned in any canon content, with a description, incantation, and wand movement (if applicable) for each - though many spells with unknown incantations have my own ideas for them derived from Latin.

Last Updated







Chapter 1

Pronunciation: Uh-bare-toe

Description: Used to open objects such as doors or windows.



Wand Movement: Upward arc, like a rainbow, or arch.

Pronunciation: AK-ee-oh

Description: Summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance. It can be used in two ways; either by casting the charm and then naming the object desired, or by pointing your wand at the desired object during or immediately following the incantation to pull the target toward the caster; in either case, the caster must concentrate on the object they wish to summon in order for the charm to succeed. The caster doesn't necessarily need to know the location of the target if they say the name of the object to be summoned.


Aetate Netrans

Pronunciation: ay-TAH-tay NET-rans

Description: Prevents those of a certain age or age range from crossing.


Alarte Ascendare

Pronunciation: A-LAR-tey ah-SEN-deh-rey

Description: Shoots the target high into the air.



Wand movement: A backwards S

Pronunciation: al-LOH-ha-MOHR-ah

Description: Used to open and unlock doors; it can unseal doors upon which the Locking Spell has been cast, although it is possible to bewitch doors to resist the spell.


Altum Sensum

Pronunciation: AL-tum SEN-see-um

Description: Allows the target (which may be the caster) to have heightened senses.



Wand movement: A horizontal squiggle, then with a line struck through it.

Pronunciation: AH-par-EE-see-um

Description: Used to reverse concealing charms, and can render invisible ink visible.


Aqua Eructo

Pronunciation: A-kwa ee-RUCK-toh Description: Used to create, and control, a jet of clear water from the tip of the wand. Aresto Momentum Charm Wand movement: Wave wand. Pronunciation: ah-REST-oh mo-MEN-tum Description: Used to decrease the velocity of a moving target; it should be noted that it can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster himself. Ascendio Charm Wand movement: Point wand upward. Pronunciation: ah-SEN-dee-oh Description: Lifts the caster high into the air. Baubillious Charm/Curse Pronunciation: baw-BILL-ee-us Description: Produces a bolt of lightning from the tip of the wand that acts as an electric current, and is potentially harmful. Beatus Charm Pronunciation: BEE-ah-tus Description: Makes the target happy and content. Bombarda Charm/Curse Pronunciation: bom-BAR-dah Description: Provokes a small explosion. Bombarda Maxima Charm/Curse Pronunciation: bom-BAR-dah MAX-ih-mah Description: Creates a large explosion capable of removing entire walls. A more advanced and more powerful form of Bombarda. Bollapitius Charm/Protection Pronunciation: bol-AP-i-tus Description: Produces a large bubble of air around the head of the user. Calor Augere Charm Pronunciation: CAH-lore OHG-er-rer Description: Increases the temperature of the target. Calor Pauci Charm Pronunciation: CAH-lore POW-see Description: Decreases the temperature of the target. Carpe Retractum Charm Pronunciation: CAR-pay ruh-TRACK-tum Description: Produces a supernatural rope from the caster's wand, which will pull a target toward the caster. Cistem Aperio Charm Pronunciation: SIS-tem uh-PE-ree-o Description: Opens chests and boxes Colloportus Charm Wand movement: Strike right, down slightly, back to the left, then down. Pronunciation: cul-loh-POR-tus Description: Locks all things that can be locked. Also closes objects such as doors. Colovaria Charm Pronunciation: co-loh-VA-riah Description: Changes the target's colour. Confundo Charm/Hex Wand movement: An anti-clockwise spiral, immediately converted into a downward motion. Pronunciation: con-FUN-doh Description: Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled. Defodio Charm Wand movement: Up, right, up; like a lightning bolt. Pronunciation: deh-FOH-dee-oh Description: This spell allows the caster to gouge large chunks out of the target. Deletrius Charm/Curse Pronunciation: deh-LEH-tree-us Description: Disintegrates target. Deprimo Charm Pronunciation: DEE-prih-moh Description: Creates downward holes in objects. Depulso Charm Wand movement: Wave of wand. Pronunciation: deh-PUL-soh Description: Used to make the target fly toward a specific location; it is the opposite of the summoning charm. Descendo Charm Pronunciation: deh-SEN-doh Description: Causes the target to move downwards. Diffindo Charm/Curse Wand movement: Down, up, down; but each movement at an angle opposite of the previous one. If you are learned in the muggle study of science, it resembles a transverse wave. Pronunciation: dih-FIN-doh Description: Rips, tears, shreds, or otherwise physically damages the target. Diminuendo Charm Pronunciation: dee-MIN-yew-IN-dowh Description: Forces the target to shrink. Duro Charm/Curse/Transfiguration Wand movement: A D shape. Pronunciation: DOO-row Description: Turns things to solid stone. Emancipare Charm Pronunciation: ee-MAN-sih-pere Description: Releases the hands of those who's hands have been bound. Engorgio Charm Wand movement: An almost complete circle, starting and ending at the top. Pronunciation: en-GOR-jee-oh Description: Causes the target to swell in physical size. Epoximise Charm/Transfiguration Pronunciation: ee-POX-i-mise Description: Adheres one object to another, similarly to if they had been glued together. Epoximis Permanens Charm/Transfiguration Pronunciation: ee-POX-i-mis PER-man-ens Description: Permanently adheres to objects together. Erecto Charm Pronunciation: eh-RECK-toh Description: Used to erect a tent or other structure. Exardeset Charm Pronunciation: eks-ARD-ay-set Description: Puts out fires. Expecto Patronum Charm/Protection Pronunciation: ecks-PECK-toh pah-TROH-numb Description: A defensive charm which will conjure a spirit-like incarnation of their positive emotions to defend against dark creatures. It can also send messages to other witches or wizards. Expelliarmus Charm Wand movement: Clockwise spiral followed by an upward motion. Pronunciation: ex-PELL-ee-ARE-muss Description: Causes whatever the victim is holding to fly away, knocks out an opponent if used too forcefully. Fianto Duri Charm Pronunciation: fee-AN-toh DOO-ree Description: Allows the caster to continue other spells while keeping the previous spell in operation. Flose Flamma Charm Wand movement: Wave wand. Pronunciation: flos FLA-ma Description: Conjures a quantity of waterproof blue flames that can be carried around in a container, released, then scooped back therein. Finestra Charm Wand movement: Flick wand. Pronunciation: fi-NESS-trah Description: Creates an aperture in a wall or window. Finite Charm/Protection Wand movement: A circle. Pronunciation: fi-NEE-tay Description: Terminates spell effects of objects or areas the spell hits. Can be used to terminate a spell coming at something, and can therefore be used defensively. Finite Incantatem Charm Wand movement: The same as Finite. Pronunciation: fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tem Description: Terminates all spell effects in the vicinity of the caster. Flagrate Charm Pronunciation: fluh-GRAH-tay Description: Produces fiery marks which can be used to write. Fumos Charm/Protection/Conjuration Wand movement: Clockwise spiral. Pronunciation: FOO-mos Description: Used to produce a defensive cloud of dark grey smoke. Fumos Duo Charm/Protection/Conjuration Wand movement: Same as Fumos. Description: A more powerful version of Fumos, conjures dark red smoke. Geminio Charm Wand movement: Flick wand Pronunciation: jeh-MIH-nee-oh Description: Creates an identical, useless copy of the target. Glacius Charm/Jinx Pronunciation: GLAY-shuss Description: Freezes the target, as if it or they have been struck with a very powerful icy wind. Glacius Duo Charm/Hex Pronunciation: GLAY-shuss DOO-oh Description: A more powerful version of Glacius. Glacius Tria Charm/Curse Pronunciation: GLAY-shuss TREE-ah Description: A more powerful version of Glacius Duo. Glisseo Charm Pronunciation: GLISS-ee-oh Description: Causes the steps on a stairway to flatten into a slide. Harmonia Nectere Passus Charm Pronunciation: har-MOAN-ee-ah nek-TER-ay PAS-us Description: Activates and/or repairs a Vanishing Cabinet. Herbivicus Charm Wand movement: A three-pointed leaf shape. Pronunciation: her-BIV-i-cuss Description: Makes plants grow to full size instantaneously. Homenum Revelio Charm/Protection Pronunciation: HOM-eh-num reh-VEH-lee-oh Description: Reveals human presence in the vicinity of the caster. Huvilito Charm/Jinx Pronunciation: hoo-VIL-ee-to Description: Causes the target to float in mid-air for a brief period of time. Igni Non Nocere Charm/Protection Pronunciation: IG-nee non NOH-ser Description: Causes fire to be non-harmful. Ignis Eructo Charm/Conjuration/Curse Pronunciation: IG-nis ee-RUCK-toh Description: Creates and allows the caster to conjure and control a jet of flame. Illegibilus Charm Pronunciation: i-LEJ-i-bill-us Description: Used to render a text illegible. Immobulus Charm/Jinx Wand movement: Two peaks, like mountains, and a line underneath. Pronunciation: im-o-bue-les Description: Renders targets immobile. Indago Regio Hominibus Charm Pronunciation: in-DA-goh reg-EE-toe ho-MIN-ee-bus Description: Allows the caster to know the exact location of all humans in a certain area, and can enchant maps (such is the case with the Marauder's Map). Inetrabiles Charm Pronunciation: ee-NET-ru-beyes Description: Makes objects such as doors impenetrable (by everything, including sounds and objects). Impervius Charm/Protection Wand movement: Tap target. Pronunciation: im-PUR-vee-us Description: Makes something repel substances and outside forces. Inflatus Charm Pronunciation: in-FLAY-tus Description: Inflates objects (living or dead). Intrabit Kaproun Charm/Protection Pronunciation: IN-trah-bit kap-ROON Description: Sets off a high-pitch scream if anyone enters the vecinity it is cast over. Lacarnum Inflamarae Charm/Curse Pronunciation: la-CAR-num in-fla-MA-ray Description: It sends a ball of fire from the wand, igniting cloth. Lavo Charm Pronunciation: LA-voh Description: Causes dishes or laundry to clean themselves. Legilimens Charm/Hex Pronunciation: Le-JIL-ih-mens Description: Allows the caster to delve into the mind of the victim, allowing the caster to see the memories, thoughts, and emotions of the victim. Locomotor Charm Wand movement: Raise wand. Pronunciation: LOH-koh-moh-tor Description: Always used with the name of a target, at which the wand is pointed. The spell causes the named object to rise in the air and move around at the will of the caster. Lumos Charm Wand movement: An upward loop. Pronunciation: LOO-mos Description: Lights the wand tip, so it sends light in all directions. Lumos Duo Charm Wand movement: Same as Lumos. Pronunciation: LOO-mos DOO-oh Description: Creates an intense, focused beam of light that projects from the wand's tip and can lock-on to various targets (similar to a muggle torch(or flashlight, if you are American)). Lumos Maxima Charm Wand movement: Flick wand, draw back and flick again, if the caster wishes to send the light away. Pronunciation: LOO-mos MAX-i-ma Description: Shoots a ball of light at the place pointed, if the Wand is swung. If not, then just a more powerful version of Lumos. Lumos Solem Charm Pronunciation: LOO-mos SO-lem Description: Creates a powerful ray of very bright sunlight. Maior Interius Charm Pronunciation: MAY-or in-TEER-ee-us Description: Makes something bigger on the inside. Meteolojinx Recanto Charm Pronunciation: mee-tee-OH-loh-jinks reh-CAN-toh. Description: Causes weather effects caused by jinxes to cease. Mobiliarbus Charm Pronunciation: MO-bil-ee-AR-bus Description: Levitates and moves organic objects. Mobilicorpus Charm Wand movement: Flick of wand. Pronunciation: MO-bil-ee-COR-pus Description: Levitates and moves bodies. Molliare Charm Pronunciation: MAW-lee-air Description: Creates a softening effect on surfaces. Muffliato Charm Pronunciation: muf-lee-AH-to Description: This spell fills peoples' ears with an unidentifiable buzzing to keep them from hearing nearby conversations. Iselae Charm Pronunciation: ih-SEE-lay Description: Propels boats. Nidecihil Charm Pronunciation: ni-DES-ee-hil Description: Put on quills to prevent cheating during assignments. Nox Charm Wand movement: The shape of an ocean wave. Pronunciation: Nocks Description: Turns off the light produced by Lumos. Oculus Reparo Charm Pronunciation: OCK-you-liss reh-PAH-roh Description: Mends eyeglasses. Obliviate Charm/Curse Wand movement: A circle. Pronunciation: oh-BLI-vee-ate Description: Used to hide a memory of a particular event, or, in some cases (such as the case of Gilderoy Lockhart), erases the target's memory completely. Omnia Outantur Charm/Transfiguration Pronunciation: OM-nee-ah oh-TAN-toor Description: Causes copies of an object to be remotely affected by changes made to the original. Pack Charm Wand movement: Sweep of wand. Pronunciation: pak Description: Packs a trunk or any luggage. Partis Temporus Charm Pronunciation: PAR-tis temp-OAR-us Description: Creates a temporary gap through protective magical barriers. Periculum Charm Pronunciation: pur-ICK-you-lum Description: Creates sparks/flares to shoot from the users wand, similar to muggle fireworks. Piertotum Locomotor Charm/Transfiguration Pronunciation: pee-ayr-TOH-tum loh-koh-MOH-tor Description: Used to animate statues and suits of armour to do the caster's bidding. Point Me Charm Wand movement: Hold wand flat in palm. Pronunciation: poeent mee Description: Causes the caster's wand to act as a muggle compass, and point North. Pondere Deorsum Charm Pronunciation: POND-ere de-OR-sum Description: Makes something lightweight. Portus Charm Pronunciation: POR-tus Description: Turns an object into a portkey. Praevolo Charm Pronunciation: pray-VOL-oh Description: Enchants objects so they can fly (used on brooms). Prior Incantato Charm Wand movement: Hold tips of wands togather. Pronunciation: pri-OR in-can-TAH-toh Description: Causes the echo (a shadow or image) of the last spell cast by a wand to emanate from it. Quietus Charm Pronunciation: KWIY-uh-tus Description: Quiets sounds. Also a counter to Sonorus. Reducio Charm Wand movement: A V shape. Pronunciation: re-DOO-see-oh Description: Makes an enlarged object smaller. Counter-charm to Engorgio. Rennervate Charm Pronunciation: REN-ur-vayt Description: Revives a stunned person. Reparo Charm Wand movement: Left, down-right, up-right, left. Pronunciation: ree-PAH-roh Description: Repairs objects. Revelio Charm/Transfiguration Pronunciation: reh-VEL-ee-oh Description: Reveals hidden objects, and the true appearance of someone who has changed their appearance. Scourgify Charm Wand movement: An S shape. Pronunciation: SKUR-jih-fiy Description: Used to clean something. Siccitas Charm Pronunciation: SIK-i-tas Description: Causes puddles and ponds to dry up. Though not powerful enough to drain a body of water like a lake. Silencio Charm/Hex Wand movement: Downward left arc, downward strike. Pronunciation: sih-LEN-see-oh Description: Makes something silent. Skurge Charm/Conjuration Pronunciation: skurj Description: Cleans up ectoplasm, the slime-like residue left by certain ghosts. The spell manifests as a blast of greenish suds. Sonorus Charm Pronunciation: soh-NOHR-uhs Description: Magnifies the sound produced by something, including voices. Counteracts Quietus. Specialis Revelio Charm Pronunciation: speh-see-AH-LIS reh-VEL-ee-oh Description: Causes an object to show its hidden secrets or magical properties. Spongify Charm/Transfiguration Wand movement: An S shape. Pronunciation: SPUN-jih-fy Description: Softens the target. Subsisto Charm Pronunciation: sub-SIS-toe Description: Decreases the inertia of an object, therefore making acceleration and deceleration easier (used on some brooms). Teneo Charm Pronunciation: ten-AY-oh Description: Makes an object easier to hold (increases friction). Tergeo Charm Pronunciation: TUR-jee-oh Description: Siphons liquid Vovete Indissobi Charm/Curse Pronunciation: VO-vet in-dis-OH-bee Description: Also referred to as the Unbreakable Vow, this binds two people, where one promises the other to do certain things that the other tells them. If one does break this promise, they die. Waddiwasi Charm Pronunciation: wah-dee-WAH-see Description: Launches small objects through the air. Wingardium Leviosa Charm Wand movement: A rightward swish and a flick. Pronunciation: win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa Description: Levitates, moves and manipulates the target (similar to telekinesis).
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