The Diary Of A First Year Ravenclaw

written by Jazzy Lovegood

You're all probably as confused and worried as I am-new to Hogwarts, You don't know ANYBODY! And you just can't seem to understand any lessons.Well In this Diary you read about my experience as a first year Ravenclaw, starting from the day I received my letter, to my final day as a first year Hogwarts student!

Last Updated






The Legend Of The Charm Necklace

Chapter 8

Dear Diary,
If you remember, yesterday I fell down some stairs and met a cute guy(Mason). Well today, I tried to avoid Mason by going to Enochia's Cottage, and some secrets were revealed...

Last night, I slept in the Common Room. The girls from my dorm had been annoying me, and I thought it was best to sleep somewhere else. Since I slept in the Common Room, I had to set my alarm an hour earlier, just so no-one saw me sleeping. Crazy Right? Well my alarm didn't wake me up, Mason did. "Hey, are you all right? Why aren't you in your dorm!" Asked Mason.
"Huh, oh Mason! Umm... Hi....I...Uhh..."
"Are you sure you're all right? I can get Madam Pomfrey."said Mason
"Uhh, yes I'm fine. I slept here because the girls in my dorm we're annoying me." I replied nervously.
"Well I'm sure they're all still asleep, so why don't you go back in?" Mason requested. I knew they would all be awake, probably listening to the conversation I was having, but I was going to take a risk, "Sure!" I walked carefully back to my dorm, and as I thought, the girls were once again eagerly staring at me. I pushed them out of my way and grabbed my clothes. I then went to the changing room, got changed and left the Dorm. I was not staying in a room, with a bunch of fangirls!

Then, I set off out of the Common Room, through the castle and out to Enochia's cottage. Enochia had said I was welcome to visit any day, so I took up the offer. The cottage wasn't hard to find, it may have been small but it's bright colours made the cottage impossible not to look at. I mainly wanted to go to the cottage to get away from mason, not in a bad way, but I couldn't risk embarrassing myself in front of him again. I knocked on the door, "Come in!" Shouted a voice. It didn't sound like Enochia, but the voice came from the back of the cottage, so maybe it was. I wandered in admiring the beauty of the cottage, when I visited yesterday we only stayed in one room, so it was exciting to look around. Eventually, I found Enochia. She was cooking some sort of soup? It wasn't clear what Enochia had been cooking and it didn't smell great either, but you can't judge a book by it's cover! The kitchen had bright yellow wall's, flowers-obviously- a small green table and a large ocean,blue couch. Enochia's house was definitely unique! "Hello Jasmine, sorry I've just caught a cold! Horrible things they are, just cooking a soup to fix me up!" Exclaimed Enochia. I smiled, but the smell of the soup stopped me from doing anything else. While I was waiting Enochia had let me get out a game from her cupboard. I chose Wizards Chess, it was my speciality! I practiced playing by myself, until Enochia had finished her soup. While she made the soup, I definitely saw her add in Dragon Dung. If anything, that soup should have made her feel worse, not better! While, playing Wizards Chess, Enochia asked me about my necklace. I had wore the necklace every day since I received it. I was given the necklace on my 5th birthday, my mother had said it was very special and one day I would learn why. What she said confused me very much, but I hadn't thought of what my mother said since. "The necklace? Oh my unicorn necklace, yes it's been in my family for 50 years. My mother says it's special, I don't know why."
" Well if you've had it in your family for 50 years, you should know why it's special" replied Enochia
"You know why it's special! Can you pleeeeease tell me!" I begged.
"I don't see why not! Obviously, I don't know much about your family, but your necklace is thought to be a legend. Have you read the book, 'The Legend Of The Charm'?
"The Legend Of The Charm? Nope, never heard of it."
" Oh, well this is going to take a while..."

The Legend Of The Charm:
Thousands of years ago, lived a young girl. She had a poor family and was forced to work, just so she could get money for her family. One day, she received a note. On the note it said, 'If one would wish to be wealthy, to live above the others, to feed ones family. One, must find the necklace. The charm necklace. Once one has found the necklace, one must return home and say the thing one wants most.' The girl desperately wanted to feed her family, so she set off on a quest. The girl had a loaf of bread, a blanket and a bottle of water. She had told her family where she was going, they didn't approve of her going on a quest but she still left. While on her quest the girl had seen a light in the distance. She followed it. The light was in the middle of the woods. Danger woods. The girl was scared but forced herself to head towards the light. She wandered through the woods, there were trees shaped like people, everything was dead and the worst thing was, the girl was all alone. Once she finally arrived at the light, there was a small hut. She knocked politely, but no answer instead she opened the door. As the girl looked in she saw a stick. It was floating in the centre of the room. Stupidly, she picked it up. The stick flung her accross the room, quickly she threw it away. But it followed her, once again she held the stick, this time it glowed. "I am your wand, treat me nicely and I do what you like, disrespect me and there will be consequences" whispered the wand. The girl was terrified, but asked the wand to get the Charm Necklace. The wand flew out her hand and instantly a necklace appeared. It had a small unicorn dangling on the end, and was made of the rarest of crystals. She carefully put it on, grabbed her wand and left the hut on her way back home. When she arrived she did what the note told her to do and said what she desires most-her family to stay healthy. The necklace spoke,"You are unusual, most people desire wealth-something only they would own-while you wish for other people. You are worthy enough for me to grant your wish, because of your warm heart, I will give you enough money to buy a home and food for your family. Good luck!" Because the girl was kind and didn't want everything for herself, the necklace granted her wish. Legend says if you are worthy enough and wish for not only yourself but for others as well, you will be given the necklace!

"So, do you understand why the necklace is special?" Asked Enochia
"Yes, I can become rich!" I shouted.
"No! The necklace is special because, it is only given to ones who need it, to people who are worthy!" Replied Enochia
"Oh, that too. Well anyway,I really need to head back to the castle, I've been here for 3 hours! See you later Enochia!" I said happily, while leaving the Cottage. It really was nice knowing about what my necklace could do!

I really didn't do much after that, I had lunch, read some more of my school books and chatted with my friends . Obviously I then went to sleep but who wants to know about that! I can't wait to test out the stuff my necklace can do! Hopefully Enochia's story was true!

Love From

Jasmine Lovegood

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