The Diary Of A First Year Ravenclaw

written by Jazzy Lovegood

You're all probably as confused and worried as I am-new to Hogwarts, You don't know ANYBODY! And you just can't seem to understand any lessons.Well In this Diary you read about my experience as a first year Ravenclaw, starting from the day I received my letter, to my final day as a first year Hogwarts student!

Last Updated






The Tour Of The Grounds

Chapter 6

Hello Diary,
Welcome back, so yesterday I was sorted into my house. Sadly my two other friends are in completely different houses! I'm a Ravenclaw and they're Hufflepuff and Gryffindor! But I can fix that, anyway today the first years had a tour of the grounds! I would have liked to see it at night, but it was still beautiful!

The day started out terrible, our Prefect (Mindo) woke everyone up at 5 am! He said it was important, -we had to practice working out the riddles to enter the common room- I didn't think it was that important to practice at 5 am! But he forced everyone out of bed. The first riddle was a Muggle riddle, what has an eye but can not see? The answer was so obvious when you knew it, but to us pure bloods/half bloods it was extremely hard! "I know, my father told me the answer to this one!" Shouted a small boy in the corner. Proudly he spoke the answer, " A needle!" It was so obvious! But Mindo wasn't happy, he said it took us too long. Mindo cheats to get the answers, it would probably would take him hours if he actually tried! Once again we took another riddle, this one was harder, If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I? Everybody struggled on this one, but a smart looking girl-probably a pure blood- shouted out, "I think I have it, let me see...ah I know, A Secret!" The painting creaked open, she had found the answer! Mindo still said it wasn't good enough, so we tried a few more riddles. After we had Finally finished, it was 7 am. This meant I had 1 hour until breakfast and 2 hours until the tour. I stumbled back into bed and set my alarm. I used a spell I saw in a book to set my alarm, the spell was 'Hailbift' once you did the charm you said what time for it to go off, and that was it.

I fell asleep instantly, but just as I was having a dream about raining pancakes, Ryland woke me up! " Hey, can't you see I'm sleeping!" I shouted, " Oh it's just you, hey why are you in the girls DORM!"
" Uhh, I asked if you were awake and the girls said yes,they all seemed to be in the common room so I came in..." Mumbled Ryland
" Oh well, I'm awake now, so what did you want to ask me?"
" Just wanted to see if you had any plans! Ya know about Haley and Caspian" Answered Ryland. I shook my head, I forgot that I was the one in charge between me and Ryland. It wasn't fun being in charge, you had to do lots of work. Instead I quickly made up a plan, just so Ryland would warm up to me. " Why don't we use a spell, like that one to use your wand as a phone, or find the cloak of invisibility, oh and if they don't work we can build a secret passage way!" I exclaimed. After saying this, I realised only one idea was actually possible, and that was the phone. Me and Ryland planned out how we could do this, as well as searching in the library. While we were in the library, the librarian informed us it was now time to meet up in the great hall for breakfast. I grabbed a charms book and we set off for the Great Hall, stupidly we didn't ask for directions and ended up back at the library! The librarian gave us directions after realising we didn't know the way. "Turn left at the end of the hall, then turn on your first right , straight ahead take another turn right at the end off the hall and just down them steps!" We followed her directions and eventually ended up in the Great Hall. Haley and Caspian waved when they saw us, we smiled and rushed to our table.

" Good morning students! I would like to inform you all, that lessons for first years don't start until Thursday. And we also have some new elves in the kitchen! Please be respectful to all students and Professors. Good luck with the new year, you may now all eat!" Shouted Professor McGonagall. As soon as the words eat came out of Professor McGonagall's mouth, everybody stuffed their faces, desperate for food and drink. For breakfast, I had toast with sausage eggs and beans. I also had a fizzy drink, I believe it was Pop-Bang - the famous new drink for magical beings! Ryland ate so quickly and so much, I couldn't tell what he was putting on his plate! Haley and Caspian snuck over to our table and quickly told us their ideas, " Okay, so I have an idea on how we can stay in touch, you and Ryland learn how to fly, while me and Caspian learn a teleporting spell, we meet up on the grounds and..." Said Haley
" I'm sorry, but we can't fly as first years, I have a simpler idea though, why don't we all learn the charm to turn our wand into a phone!" I replied enthusiastically.
"Oh, yeah that sounds ALOT easier than my idea, so do you know the charm?"
I nodded and showed her the charm from my library book. We each wrote down the spell on a piece of paper, and Haley and Caspian returned to their tables. The only problem was, the phone idea might not have worked!

After breakfast we had free time to roam the castle, me and Ryland waited in the library for Haley and Caspian. We had to be quick, because we only had 30minutes until the tour. " Sorry we were late, We didn't know the way to the library." Shouted Caspian.
" Well you're here now, so it's all right. Ok so, have we all written down the charm?" I replied. Everybody nodded, "Great! Now, let's run through the plan once more. We all learn the charm, then..."
" We create our wand phone numbers!" Exclaimed Ryland
" Oh! Next we get each others numbers, and..." Answered Hayley
"And, then we can stay in touch! We just have to talk in private, so no Professor's hear." Interrupted Caspian.
" Correct, so all we need to do is practice the charm and we'll be ready!" I said.
"Shh!!" Shushed the librarian. We all laughed and walked over to the groundskeepers house. Enochia- the groundskeeper- lived in a small cottage, round the back of the Hogwarts Castle. The house had lots of green, gooey moss growing on the outer walls, and flowers blooming around it. Enochia had told us to meet there yesterday. Me and my friends were first to arrive, we knocked on the door and Enochia happily greeted us. We walked inside and sat down. Her house was, umm, unique! The cottage was filled with flowers, and if there was not 5 flowers in the room there were paintings of flowers! Enochia seemed to love the outdoors, that's probably why she's the groundskeeper, I wonder if she wanted to teach Herbology?

We talked with Enochia until the others arrived! Only half of Slytherin's house Actually came. They probably thought they were too good for a TOUR! Enochia had pre-made snacks for the tour, and once everyone was there, she gave them out. I was given a grass sandwich with petal water! Enochia might me kind and caring, but she had could NOT cook! Luckily Haley had gotten a tuna sandwich, we shared this instead. I was forced to drink the petal water though, at least it smelt nice! "Okay everyone, gather round, gather round, so today your getting a tour of the Grounds. Were not going to the Forbidden Forest, but the tour will still be exciting! First we'll visit the farming area. Then go to the Great Lake, next to the Wooden Bridge, and we'll end at the Stone Circle!" Shouted Enochia. Me and my friends stayed back, just to have a quick talk about the charm. But when we had finished, we ran after Enochia and the others. When we caught up with Enochia, they were just leaving the Farming Area. Earlier on in the day, Enochia said to take notes, because some of the stuff we learnt in the tour, could help in real lessons! The farming area would help with Herbology, sadly we couldn't receive any notes for this. While walking over to the Great Lake, I saw a Hufflepuff writing down that one flower, (The Subble Flower) had been growing in the farm for 34 years! " Were now approaching the Great Lake, the Great Lake is located south of the Hogwarts Castle. In the Great Lake live, Merpeople, Grindylows and the Giant Squid. You may already know, but one of the tasks in the Triwizard Tournament was to rescue something from the Lake!" Called Enochia. I quickly jotted down what she said in my journal, Caspian didn't listen to what she said, he had already wrote 15 facts about the lake! I understand Caspian's a Pure-Blood, but he's such a show off!

The whole tour took an hour and a half. This meant we had free time until lunch, and then had to meet our Professor's. But all of that would end at exactly 14:15! The tour of the grounds, wasn't that exciting. It may have been beautiful and eye-catching, but the facts weren't interesting. Mainly I just used it as a time to talk to friends, I still wrote down facts though! Enochia was nice, and I'd like to meet her every once in a while, but talking about facts bores me so MUCH! After the tour, I trotted back to the common room and flopped the bed. The day might not have been over, but I was glad to be back in bed!

Today was Boring as you could probably tell, but that's not all that happened today. I have to meet my Professor's but I still have more to tell you! Hope to see you soon.

Love From,

Jasmine Lovegood
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