The Diary Of A First Year Ravenclaw

written by Jazzy Lovegood

You're all probably as confused and worried as I am-new to Hogwarts, You don't know ANYBODY! And you just can't seem to understand any lessons.Well In this Diary you read about my experience as a first year Ravenclaw, starting from the day I received my letter, to my final day as a first year Hogwarts student!

Last Updated






The Forbidden Forest

Chapter 13

Hello Diary,
If you checked the date, you would have realised it's October. I understand diaries are meant to be written in EVERY DAY, but if remember what I last wrote. Then you'll understand why I haven't been writing, the last time I wrote in my diary, Enochia went missing. And to this day, she still is. The professor's cancelled lessons for a few days, and the whole school went on a GIANT search mission. Sadly, we couldn't find Enochia, and eventually the fuss was over and nobody cared about her...Except for me. So today, I decided to look for Enochia myself. It wouldn't have been a stupid idea If I had looked around the grounds and castle, but I had checked there on the search mission and she wasn't there. So me being me, I went into the Forbidden Forest. I know it's Forbidden for a reason, but I HAD to find Enochia!

If you're not me, then your morning would have been peaceful. Birds chirping, breakfast baking, and the sun shining bright in the sky. But as I said, that's only if you're not me, my morning was TORTURE-as usual. My alarm didn't go off, and no-one from my dorm was kind enough to wake me up. So I ended up late for class, I did visit the Great Hall for breakfast though. Luckily, Odium was tending the garden( because Enochia wasn't there). So bravely, I walked through Hogwarts as if I owned it- Sometimes I can be...a little strange.Surprisinhly, I wasn't caught...Well, at least until I arrived at class. Quitely yet quickly, I opened the door to Charms class, and sat down. But just as I was placing my bag on my desk..."Miss Lovegood, Late once again...! I could give you detention, but I'm letting you off the hook, ONLY for today." Said The Charms Professor, not looking at me. Hayley shook her head at me. Recently, she's really been getting in my nerves, acting as if she owns the place. Not to offend anyone, but she's only a Muggle born! And yes Muggle Born's can be smart, but she's no Hermione Granger. Just because people in her dorm, ACTUALLY help her out- unlike the girls in my dorm- she thinks she's the best! I know I said I was going to try and keep my "friends", but Hayley and Caspian are always busy! Even if they can be a pain sometimes, I still want to stay close to them. Ryland's the only "proper" friend I've had this year, so I would really like to make some more. Anyway, I'm going off topic. After finishing Charms class, we went straight to Quidditch- My least favourite Class. I didn't concentrate much in Quidditch- that probably explains why I nearly fell off my broom- but I wasn't concentrating, because being outside reminded me of Enochia. And when I thought about Enochia, I remembered her being missing! So Idiotically, I tried to walk off the broomstick, and fell flat on my face. I didn't break a bone or anything like that, I was only a metre in the air- I'm not very good at flying, so I can't go higher than a metre. I suppose if you like attention, you could have fallen from higher, but I didn't want attention. I was just being stupid! After the fall, the class crowded around me- scared I might have been dead-well except the Slytherin's, they were cheering quitely behind Madam Hley. If you were wondering how to say Hley, it's pronounced h-l-eye. Madam Hley rushed over, (while shouting at the Slytherins) "Miss Lovegood, are you injured!" Shrieked Madam Hley, " It was only a small fall, but It's necessary for me to check that you'll be fine to continue lessons!" As she grabbed my face-almost squeezing me to death- Hley sighed a sigh of relief, and pulled me off the ground. Whispering quitely, Madam Hley asked, " I know it's against school rules, but I need a favour. Will you take this to Professor Mulch" And she placed a letter in my hand. I was confused at first, but she had already given me an Injury Pass, so I had no time to ask questions, and had to deliver her letter. I'm not sure if Madam Hley thinks I'm an Owl, because Witches and Wizards don't deliver letters, but I did what she asked anyway.

Since I had an Injury Pass and Odium was cleaning the Castle, I had some free time to search for Enochia. Obviously, I delivered the letter first. Professor Mulch seemed overjoyed when he read the letter, I probably should have read it on my way, but I'm kind enough not to do that. He told me to tell Madam Hley he'd see her there, I wonder where "there" was. Anyway, After delivering the letter I thought about where to search for Enochia. It was almost Halloween, so she might have been near the farm, or maybe in the kitchen! But I had already checked there on the big search mission, so instead I decided to go to the one other place I could think of...The Forbidden Forest! Now, the Forbidden Forest didn't get its name for nothing, so your probably thinking why I went there. Well I have 2 reasons, 1- She might have been kidnapped, and the one place the kidnappers thought no-one would check, would be the Forest! And my second reasons, she went searching for pumpkins! Ok, I know, the second guess is stupid. But who knows, she might have been planning ahead for Halloween! Carefully, I ran towards the Forest- making sure no-one had spotted me. After all the stories I had heard about Harry Potter, and all his friends visiting the Forest, I wasn't too keen on entering. But if going in helped me find Enochia, I couldn't back out. As I arrived at the Forest Entrance, I thought it would be best to come up with a plan. After about 3 seconds of thinking, I still couldn't think of a plan. I'm not very good at thinking on the spot, and If I tried for longer than 3 seconds, I probably would have passed out. So I decided to think of a plan as I walked through the Forest. That way, I'd be killing two birds with one stone. Not literally killing two birds, I would never kill an animal...! Even though it was only about 11 am, the forest was pitch black! If your into nature, then you'd probably guess it was dark because all the leaves off the trees covered the sun. But if your into, pretty much anything other than that, then you'd guess the Forest was always dark to make people lose their way, and eventually, well...let's just say they're never seen again. Well I'm the type of person who tries to think of the nature option, but mainly focuses on the the second option! So basically, I was terrified as soon as I stepped into the Forest. Eventually, I saw a small light in the distance. Usually, you'd run from the light, supposing it was something terrifying. Well actually in all horror films, they always follow the light. So I suppose I was in a Horror Film, because I followed the light. The source of light was off the path, so with a long hard thought (about 10 seconds) I decided to follow it. There were broken trees, bushes so big they could kill you with one touch, and the most frightening thing of all...SPIDERS! I hate spiders, all there legs, there eyes. Eww, just writing about it gives me shivers! As I made my way through the Forest, I saw a figure shoot by me! It was like a centaur, but the person part of it could detach. I tried to ignore the figure, but out of nowhere, An arrow skimmed my face. This couldn't of been a coincidence, someone was aiming at me! I started running, unaware of the shadows following me. I was just about to reach the light when... Everything disappeared. Everything had gone, someone had took me...and covered my eyes. I...I...I, was LOST!

To be Continued...

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