The Diary Of A First Year Ravenclaw

written by Jazzy Lovegood

You're all probably as confused and worried as I am-new to Hogwarts, You don't know ANYBODY! And you just can't seem to understand any lessons.Well In this Diary you read about my experience as a first year Ravenclaw, starting from the day I received my letter, to my final day as a first year Hogwarts student!

Last Updated







Chapter 11

Hiya Diary,
Today was HORRIBLE I was given detention! I don't even know why I was given detention, ok I do,but I suppose I shouldn't let one tiny thing get me down. So lets try and focus on the good things. Ok, Let's start from the beginning!

Millions of years ago, there lived dinosaurs! Wait not that far, I meant to start from this morning...
"FIRE,FIRE! WAKE UP, THERE'S A FIRE!" Screamed Ladonna, a Half-Blood from my Dorm. Even though someone was yelling Fire all around the Dorm, I didn't move. I just had a feeling that there was no fire, like I could sense danger...but there was none nearby! Strange, yes I know. But I can't help sense something! If you can tell someone's lying, you can't stop yourself from knowing that, can you? Well that's exactly how I felt at that moment. It was actually quite relaxing lying down in bed, watching everyone run out the dorm, petrified. Eventually, everyone(except me) had evacuated the room, I finally had some peace and quiet! "Jasmine!" Snapped Ladonna-from the other side of the room, "You were supposed to leave the room, scared, why are you still in here?!"
"Uhh, I wanted to die?" I answered, obviously lying.
"Who on Earth would want to die? Doesn't matter, but next time you WILL get out of bed, or else...!" Ladonna seemed very irritated by me not leaving the room, but if someone fakes a fire, why would you run out of the room if the fire was fake? Anyway, after Ladonna threatened me, I fell back asleep. Unfortunately, I slept through my alarm and when I finally awoke, I had missed Breakfast! It was about 10 past 11, when I realised I had missed Breakfast! But, I could live without food for a few hours- the only problem was, I had missed my first lesson! This wouldn't have been a problem if I hadn't missed my lessons yesterday-but I had- If you have only been on-time for one lesson, being late for all the others doesn't give you a good reputation. I know it's bad to lie, and the situation I was in wasn't that bad, but at the time I was just worrying about getting expelled, or worse! So my conclusion was, to lie about why I had missed the lesson. I'm not good at lying. When I do I twitch, and if I lie about something extremely bad, I scream... Luckily, an amazing lie popped into my head- again I don't encourage lying- I was going to tell my Charms teacher, I was nearly killed by merpeople! It seemed believable at the time. I sprung out of bed, changed into my robes and skipped out of the Common Room- overjoyed I had come up with such a "great" lie. The halls were empty, everybody was in their second lesson. I probably should have rushed into my second lesson, but I didn't, Instead I ran through the Halls straight to the Charms Room- I didn't think it through at the time- But just as I approached the door, Odium caught me! This meant I had been caught by Odium two days in a row! Not a good reputation. He grinned an evil grin and yanked me to McGonagall's Office. "Two days in a row, you're going to be out of Hogwarts for good!" Smirked Odium, he really was an evil person. I didn't even answer Odium, he wasn't the one I needed to persuade- McGonagall was. Once we arrived at the Office door, Odium pulled it open and shoved me in. He did one evil grin, before closing the door behind me. "Miss Lovegood, two days in a row. Yesterday I let you off, but would be against the school rules if I didn't punish you. You weren't in your Charms lesson either, why?" Questioned McGonagall.
"Well, I...Umm." Like I said, I can't lie. I took a deep breath and continued, " I was nearly killed by merpeople?" I'm pretty sure McGonagall new I was lying, but she went along with my lie anyway.
"Merpeople? That's a new one, well let's just hope you're ok. I'm still going to have to give you detention- it's school rules- but since it's your first detention, all you have to do is meet Enochia in her cottage later." I was fine meeting Enochia, I was quite good friends with her- but meeting her for detention, that just doesn't feel right...! I smiled and left McGonagall's Office. Meeting Enochia for detention wasn't the worst thing to happen. But getting a detention in general, is HORRIBLE!

After leaving Professor McGonagall's Office, I went back to the Common Room. Usually, you'd have to find the answer to a riddle to enter, but I knew no-one else would try and enter the Common Room at lunch, so earlier on I left my backpack in the doorway of the entrance. So I wouldn't have to figure out a hard riddle. But when I arrived...My backpack was gone, and the entrance was closed! The thought that I would have to answer a riddle to enter didn't even pop in my head, All I could think about is how my backpack had been stolen! What if a Slytherin stole it? And entered the Common Room! I might have been expelled! What worried me most, was my wand was in my backpack, someone could have stolen my wand! Even if they didn't know it. I probably should have told Professor McGonagall, but I knew she wouldn't believe me. Even though it was much more believable than the merpeople lie. So I decided to catch the thief on my own! Well not exactly, I got my friends to help. It was hard to persuade my friends to join me catch the thief, Hayley had just started her lunch and didn't want to give it up, Caspian wanted to continue telling everyone how he learnt to fly when he was 3! And Ryland just wanted to study. Ryland hadn't talked to Caspian, Hayley or me much. He was like a ghost. Maybe Ryland was hiding something from us, a secret! In the end, I persuaded them to tag along with me. I knew if I asked a Professor, they could help me find my backpack-almost instantly-but me and my friends had started to fall out of touch, and I didn't want to lose my only friends. We only had 30 minutes to find my backpack, so we needed to find it quick! To search more areas quicker, we split up, Caspian and Ryland took the East side of Hogwarts. While me and Hayley took west. The first place we looked was in the Ravenclaw Tower, Hayley pointed out that my backpack could have possibly fallen- and the Ravenclaw entrance closed. We looked all around the tower but no sign of my backpack, we then decided to answer the riddle. The riddle was, 'I give myself to the worthiest of people, I grant wishes to all! But if not treated respectfully, you will not want to know.' I instantly knew the answer, It was The Charm Necklace! After Enochia told me the story, I couldn't forget it. "Hayley! I know the answer, it's The Charm Necklace!" I exclaimed
"How did you get the answer already? Actually, I don't want to know. Let's just see if it's correct!" Hayley replied. I knew my answer was correct. So Clearly-to the entrance-I said, "The Charm Necklace!" There was a slight pause before the door opened, I knew Hayley shouldn't have doubted me. We climbed through the doorway and there, lying right in front of us, was my backpack! I scuttled towards my bag- relieved it hadn't been stolen. We called Ryland and Caspian,using Wizard line, and we all met up in the Ravenclaw Common Room. It was nearly the end of lunch when we all met up, and we decided to spend the rest of our free time, eating the food from the Great Hall.

After lunch, I finally started my lessons. The afternoon was the longest part of the school day, but I still made every effort to do well in my lessons. The only bad thing about the afternoon was, I missed Magical Cookery! Because of the time I had to go to detention-and since Magical Cookery was an extra lesson- I was forced to miss Magical Cookery. I hadn't had a proper lesson on Magical Cookery yet, and the fact I had to miss it, was extremely upsetting. After my final lesson, I set off towards Enochia's Cottage. I had worked myself up all day about detention, but as I approached Enochia's Cottage, I felt like detention wouldn't be that bad! When I finally arrived at the cottage, Enochia was patiently waiting outside of her home. "Jasmine, you're early! Well, welcome to detention. Today, we're gardening!" Called out Enochia.
"Gardening?" I thought, agitated. "Hopefully we can use magic! But I shouldn't get my hopes up."
"We're not using magic, just so you can learn some responsibility. I hope you understand Jasmine, I know you're responsible- but Professors orders!" This was my worst night mare! Doing Muggle chores WITHOUT magic. I should have reported Hogwarts, for child slavery! Ok, I know I'm overreacting, but I've never done chores without magic! We started of with harvesting the crops from the farm. Then, we planted new crops where the previous ones had been growing. Next, we watered all the plants. After that, we brought the crops to the kitchen. And Finally, Detention ended! Once detention was over, It was nearly time to meet up in the Great Hall again. So I said goodbye to Enochia and bolted into the Castle. I ate my dinner, studied for lessons and went to bed.

If you want to know what I learned today, then I learned that detention isn't that least for now! Today wasn't the worst day in the world, but detention was torture! I hope I never get it again.

Love From,

Jasmine Lovegood
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