The Creepy Lunch Lady ;

This is a short scary story (hopefully) about a boy who gets trapped in school with other kids who are all running from "the creepy lunch lady"

Last Updated






The Creepy Lunch Lady

Chapter 1
I was always scared of that lunch lady when i was a kid, i don't know why maybe it was her horrid breath or that dead stare in her eyes or even those scraggly black hairs dangling from her chin, no matter what the reason was my hands would get moist and my heart basically beat out of my chest every time i passed her in the lunch line I never felt safe until i left the cafeteria and even then i was still frightened that i'd bump into her in the halls when we switched classes. One day i got into a fight with a kid named Mike. and we both got detention it was his fault really. I had been passing him in the hall when he quickly stuck out his foot in front of mine and sent me flying to the ground, all my books flying through the air. Samantha, the girl I had a crush on, happened to be standing in the hallway when it happened, and she joined everyone else in laughing and pointing at me. My anger got the best of me, and Mike. and I were soon throwing punches at each other. After the teachers broke up our fist fight, we were sent to the principal’s office. Long story short, I would be spending my Saturday at school doing instead of playing videogames with my friends.
Saturday came, and my mother, rather unpleased to be up so early, dropped me off outside the school doors at seven in the morning. I walked in and found my way to Room 137, where detention was being held. Mike was already there sitting at a desk, along with two other kids. One of them was Shawn, the dumb ape who was the quarterback of our football team. The other was a quiet girl in glasses.
I found myself a seat at a far enough distance from everyone else. No one said a word. The only sound in the room was the loud ticking of the clock. I quickly got bored after a few minutes, so I turned around in my chair and faced Mike. “Do you know who’s running detention today?”

“Swaloski, I think.”

“Mrs. Swaloski?” I repeated, gulping. But Mike didn’t have to affirm it. Immediately, the all too familiar stench of her breath filled my nose, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood right up. I slowly turned around, and in walked the lunch lady with a pile of worksheets under her arm.
“Now you twerps listen,” she yelled in her thick accent. “I really didn’t want to be here today, so I don’t want any trouble. I’m going to pass out these worksheets, and you all aren’t going to make a peep. Understand?” We all nodded our heads. “Good. The first moment something goes wrong, one of you is going in the oven.” Then she laughed maniacally and left us alone in the room. I shuddered as I tried to shake off the image of her hairy chin and her flabby arms.

We all sat silently in the room for about fifty-five minutes, doing our homework. The lunch lady still hadn’t returned by that time, so we then took the risk of chatting quietly.

“That lunch lady must be the ugliest living thing I’ve ever seen,” Mark chuckled.

“I bet she’s so hairy, when you take off her pants you can’t tell whether she’s a man or a woman,” Shawn replied, snorting. No one laughed.

“She hasn’t even come back once to check on us,” Mark continued. “I bet she just went home as soon as she left the room. C’mon, we should see if we can sneak out.”

He had just stood up from his desk when we all heard the sound of grinding gears and hissing steam coming from somewhere in the building. Everyone froze. I had easily recognized the sound.

“That came from the cafeteria,” I said. “Someone is starting up the ovens.”

“Why the hell would someone turn on the ovens?” Shawn asked.

“It must be Swaloski,” Mike said. “Maybe she got hungry. Maybe she’s getting the ovens ready so she can cook one of us up!”

“And you’d be the first person she’d toss in,” I replied, playing along. But in reality, I was terrified. Why would she start up the ovens right now? Surely she could have just packed a lunch. Maybe she actually enjoyed eating the greasy shrimp and cardboard pizza she always served for lunch.

We tried to go back to our work, but at this point it was impossible to try and concentrate again, even for the quiet girl. We finally decided that we should send one person outside the room to check if the coast was clear. Mike tore up one of his worksheets into four pieces and then wrote one of our names on each. Then he shuffled the names in his hand and turned to Shawn.

“Pick one.”

Shawn took one of the pieces from Mike's hand and flipped it over. “Anna,” he read. The quiet girl’s face froze with fear.

“Oh, c’mon guys, don’t make her do it!” I said.

“Then you go,” Mike replied.

“No way!” I answered. “It was your idea; you should go.”

“Shut up already, you pussies,” Shawn interrupted. “I’ll go.” He left the room and disappeared down the hall, and we all gathered at the doorway, waiting for him to return. A few silent minutes passed; the suspense grew unbearable. I was about tell the others that we should go back in the room when Shawn reappeared at the end of the hallway. He glanced over his shoulder and motioned for us to join him. I quietly shut the door and we all tiptoed down the hallway, looking all about us. We finally reached Shawn.

“I circled this whole part of the building,” he whispered to us. “She’s no where in sight. If we’re quiet, I think we can make it to the front door without being noticed.”

“Let’s do it,” said Mike. He took the lead, and the rest of us followed. We slowly made our way through the building, staying close to the walls and listening closely for approaching footsteps. The noise of the kitchen equipment was still traveling through the halls. We finally reached the front doors.

“Let’s get out of here,” Mike said. He pulled the door handle. The door wouldn’t budge more than half an inch. He kept pulling on all the doors, but they were stuck. “What the hell?”

“It’s chained,” whispered Anna.

“Let me try.” Shawn stepped up and grabbed the door handle, yanking it back and forth furiously until the noise filled the hallway.

“You idiot!” I cried through clenched teeth, dragging the oaf away from the door. “What do think you’re doing?”

We all paused in silence, listening to see if she was coming. Surely enough, after a few moments, we could faintly hear her footsteps coming down the hall. She was approaching swiftly.

“Run!” I cried, and we all took off in different directions. Shawn and the quiet girl headed left, while Mike and I went right. As we turned around the corner, we could hear Anna scream and the lunch lady shout, “I’ve got ya!” We didn’t bother to look back.

“This way!” Mike called to me. I followed him as he turned down a smaller hallway and then came to a classroom. “We can hide in here.” We dashed inside the classroom and looked around frantically for hiding places. Mike dove under the teacher’s desk, while I took my chances behind the cabinet in the corner. Then we waited in silence.

For a few minutes we didn’t hear anything but the pounding of our own hearts. Still, we thought it best to wait it out a little longer. After a little while, we heard someone coming down the hallway. At first we could only hear a faint mumbling, too quiet to distinguish. We froze. The voice drew closer.

“Mike? Rayden? Guys, where are you? Mike?”

Mike got up from under the desk on opened the door. “Shawn! Get in here!”

Shawn hurried inside and Mike locked the door. Then we all crouched down behind the teacher’s desk.

“Guys, you won’t believe it,” Shawn whispered, catching his breath. “I saw her get Anna. She grabbed her arm, and she tried to run, but then she hit her over the head with a wrench and was dragging her body down the hallway and-”

“Keep it down,” I hissed. “You said what?”

“She knocked her out, or killed her, I don’t know, but then she was just dragging her body down the hallway toward the cafeteria, and the blood was all over the floor, and then I came to find you guys.”

“You’re saying Swaloski hit the girl over the head and then dragged her to the cafeteria?”

“That’s exactly what happened. I was lucky she didn’t see me too. We need to get out of here. Now.”

“We need to get to a room with windows,” I said. “We can break out.”

“Forget it,” Mike interrupted. “I’ve seen guys try to break through glass like this, and unless one of you has a sledgehammer, we’re not going anywhere. There’s only one other way out of this school, and that’s through the back doors.”

“But that’s right next to-”

“The cafeteria,” I said, completing Shawn’s sentence.

“It’s the only chance we’ve got,” said Mike. “We can do it if we’re quiet.”

“Then let’s go,” I replied. “No time to lose.”

We opened the door and looked up and down the hallway. “Follow me,” whispered Mike. We crept down the hall, making our way toward the cafeteria.

We were about halfway there when Mrs. Swaloski’s voice came resounding through the building over the intercom. “Hello there.” Her accent was even more obvious coming out of the speakers. “I see you have left your room. That is unfortunate. However, I promise that there will be no consequences if you will simply return to Room 137. Anna is waiting for you there.”

“Anna! We have to help her!” Shawn cried.

“Forget it, she’s dead!” said Mike. “We need to get out of here!”

“You didn’t see what I saw!” Shawn said. “This woman is insane! We have to save her!” Shawn bolted down the hallway.

“Shawn! What are you doing?” I shouted. I tried to run after him, but Mike held me back.

“No, Rayden. Let him go. We need to leave, now.”

“What an idiot,” I muttered as we dashed through the halls. Within a minute we heard Shawn give out a spine-tingling scream. I felt sick to my stomach.

“Hurry!” shouted Mike. “We’re almost there!”

We blitzed through the halls. I grew nauseous, and it was becoming hard to maintain my balance. The hallway started spinning in front of me.

“Come on! We’re almost there!”

I pushed on, wanting to vomit with each step I took. Then we turned a corner, and there it was: the back entrance.

“We made it!” cried Mike. “Let’s get out of here!”

We were going so fast we nearly ran right into the doors. I was about to hurl. Mike pulled on the door handles. “Oh God, no, no!” They were chained. We were trapped. I collapsed onto the floor, exhausted. “No! No! God, no!” Mike screamed, as he continued to yank back and forth on the door handles. Meanwhile I laid on the cold floor, looking down the hallway. The cool linoleum felt good against my burning cheek. My stomach was still churning.

And then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of black boots appear at the end of the hallway. I looked up; she had arrived. Mike was now wildly throwing himself against the doors. The lunch lady slowly approached, step by step, yielding a bloody wrench in her hand. It was too late; it was all over. I closed my eyes as the lunch lady passed over me and brought down her wrench upon Mike’s head. He cried out in pain. She hit him again; his blood spewed all over the walls and ran down to the floor. She kept hitting him, over and over again. I vomited. Then everything went black.

I opened my eyes. The brightness of the fluorescent lights made it hard to see at first. After a minute my eyes adjusted, and I saw that I was in the middle of the cafeteria. I looked down. I was tied to a chair. I squirmed about for a few seconds, but the rope was strong and I could hardly move at all. Sighing, I gave up and examined my surroundings. No one else was in sight. Chairs and tables were set out in the usual fashion. I could hear the kitchen equipment still running in the back.

“Awake, eh?” her voice called out. I bent my head back and saw out of the corner of my eye that the lunch lady was preparing a meal in the open kitchen. “Give me another minute. Lunch is almost ready.”

I squirmed around a little more, but the ropes were as tight as ever. I then sat still, patiently waiting. After a minute or two, the lunch lady came out. She was carrying a plate covered with a napkin.

“Did you have a nice nap?” she asked me with that disgusting accent. I remained silent. She set the plate on a nearby table. “You know, I could have killed you too. But out of the goodness of my heart, I decided to spare you. And on top of that, I’ve even cooked you a delicious meal.”

I remained silent.

“So what, I get no thank you? Is this how I am treated for feeding you? Is this how I am repaid for sweating away in a hot, dirty kitchen all day?” She paused. “You know, I have worked this job for nineteen years, and you turds are all the same. You come in line, you take your food, you walk away, and no thank you. You say, ‘Ew, she is smelly and weird. Forget that she cooks us delicious lunch.’ Well, that is over now. No more.”

I still remained silent. Then the lunch lady came behind me and pushed my chair to the table, right where the plate sat. I did not want to see what was on that plate. She unbound my arms so that I could only move them from the elbow up. Then she set a fork on the table next to the plate.

“I have made you a delicious lunch. You will eat now.”

She pulled off the napkin, and I gagged. I had to turn away. Sitting in the middle of the plate was an enormous sausage, surrounded by cooked fingers, toes, eyes, and ears.

“You eat,” she commanded.

“No, no I can’t do it.” I was growing sick again.

“You eat or I hit,” she said to me, holding up the wrench. I looked at the plate again, and I nearly vomited.

“I can’t do it. I can’t do it.”

She brought the wrench right down upon my head. I screamed in agony.

“Eat,” she commanded.

I picked up the fork, my head pounding with pain. Tears ran down my face as I cut off a bit of the sausage and stuffed it in my mouth. I chewed it up and swallowed it down.

“Good. Finish it all.”

I shook my head, sobbing. She brought down the wrench on my head again. I cried out in pain.

“Eat!” she shouted. I took another bite, and another, and another, blinded by my own tears. Whenever I paused she would raise the wrench again, and I would keep eating. It took all my strength to keep it down in my stomach.

When I finally had swallowed down the last bite, she took the plate. “Very good. I am glad you enjoyed it. Now that you have had your lunch, I will have mine.”

I looked upward as she raised the wrench in the air one last time, and I closed my eyes.

As blood dripped from the walls the lunch lady grabbed her wrench out of Rayden's skull and walked down the hall unlocked the chains pushed the doors open and left the building...

((credit goes to creepy pasta :D))
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