Harry Potter And The Forbidden Love

As the quartet start their new year at Hogwarts, they discovered that Dumbledore found out that Linda and Harry are not allowed to be together. Harry is not convinced, but Linda finds this REALLY suspicious. Little do they know that if Susanna is up to something, the worst outcome that might happen would be the secret been discovered about the whole Wizardry World. The quartet don't know why, but they get so worried (especially Harry and Linda) that the school might close down and never exist anymore. The quartet must find a way and work out how this might have happened all of sudden. So, the quartet plan a trip to the muggle school called Dagenham Park, Church Of England School to find out why both of them were forbidden to be together, but Harry and Linda have to watch out: whatever they do, Susanna's looking out to watch their EVERY move at the muggle school. Any wrong move will turn out that they will be separated forever!

Last Updated






Chapter 12 - A Visit To Dagenham Park

Chapter 12
Morning arrived. When they finished getting ready, Ron, Hermione and the couplet, with the baby, went to sit with their house tables. Dumbledore clapped his hands and food appeared on the tables. They both had breakfast. When Linda finished eating, Linda gave some milk to Emma. Then, an owl came right in front of the headmaster's front. He read and he looked concerned. Harry spotted this and nudged to Linda.
"Albus seems worried."
"What?" she looked up to the staff's table and Harry WAS right: he DID look worried.
"Do you think that the letter he got..." Harry began.
"...might be something to do with DagPark? Totally, or why else would he be like that?" Linda finished with a question. Then, she continued, "I need to feed Emma. We'll worry about that after." They continued their breakfast; when the plates and cups vanished, the headmaster announced:
"I'd like to make an announcement. Miss Granger gave birth to a baby girl," there was a round of applause as everyone turned around and looked at the couplet, staring at the baby.
Professor Dumbledore continued:
"Which concludes that Miss Granger will be the Defence Against The Dark FORCES teacher and Mr Potter will be the Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher! They are also Prefects as well. They'll both no longer take part in any lessons whatsoever, including those who are seventeen or eighteen." They was a huge round of applause to that too.
"Except for that, the days will be going as normal as it is. You're dismissed and have a lovely day. Linda, Harry, Ron and Hermione and their friends, please stay behind."
"Ginevra, take Emma and take care of her." Linda said, turning and looking at Ginny, passing her the baby.
"Alright." Ginny answered.
Harry turned around and saw his girlfriend's friends. They all stepped forward and the quartet joined in. When it was empty, the headmaster began:
"I have bad news. It'll shock you, but Linda will be MORE shocked. You know Edvinas, right?"
"Yes, he's my best and closest friend I have. What about him?" she asked.
"I think your school will tell you." he responded.
She took the letter from him and read:

Linda and Harry,
We captured your best friend Edvinas and we turned him to the Dark Side. Hope you are satisfied. I bet you know why we did that. Easy! So he couldn't help you out on getting you and Linda back together! You better give your word that you two won't go back together. As you MIGHT have noticed as well, all the teachers are against you too. So, there isn't a chance where you four will stop me.
From Susanna
PS: We made Holly and Mihaela join us as well.

Linda dropped the letter and Harry caught and read it. She was gripping Harry's robes and shrieked:
She was in tears and crying in despair.
"Sweetums, please calm down-"
"Susan, ge ca sie va!"
"Se lo. Cergin ta blez."
"NO! I WON'T CALM DOWN! WE ARE GOING TO DAGENHAM PARK RIGHT NOW! I DON'T CARE! WE ARE GOING RIGHT NOW!" Then, she softened and turned to Harry and said:
"I'll tell Ginny everything and she'll take care of our daughter. We are going to school NOW!" She bellowed the last word.
"Fine. Do whatever you think it's right and important, but I'm on your side, OK?" Harry said, holding Linda.
"Yes hunny." she replied, softly to him. She kissed him and Harry deepen the kiss. She softly pulled away and she ran to the Gryffindor common room. While she was there, the headmaster said to them:
"I talked to all your subject teachers about you nine not doing lessons anymore."
"No problem professor, but sir, is it OK if I work at Hogwarts as well? I'd like to be a Mentor of the teachers, that's my sister's and Harry's Mentor, if it is OK?"
"That's OK. I will put a notice paper in every house common room. That'll be fine." She smiled.
When Linda came back, she told the headmaster:
"Sir, we are going."
"No problem. Oh, Miss Granger, you have a free will to do what you please. No need for permission from me. That goes for the rest as well, who are seventeen or eighteen. You are dismissed."
They all smiled and started their departure.
When they arrived, they were walking to see if they could find anyone, until Linda spotted someone she recognised.
Edvinas turned around, his eyes black, looking pale.
"What do you want you mudblood?"
"Ed, listen, I know this is hard but this isn't you!"
"Yes it is-"
"No, it's not! Susanna is controlling you, you need to snap out of it. I beg you!" She bent on his knees.
"Edvinas, please, come back to being the closest friend I had. I missed you. We ALL need you. The Wizardry World needs you, but I need you the most. I can't live without you. Please, come back to us, all of us." He rejected her and started to take a pace. Linda was on the ground, crying in despair. Harry went up to her and hugged her, nearly crying. She answered his hug and she sinked in his hug, kissing his neck.
"It's alright sweetums, don't worry. We'll find a way to save this school."
"Come on Linda, fe da ite shve. Fe da ite shve." Robert said. He hugged her so tight that she sinked in his hug as well. She released him, wiped her tears and continued:
"The next victim we'll come across easily is Holly. Let's go, we don't have time."
They rushed and in any minute, they found Holly. She was pale as well, with black eyes. Linda began:
"Ah, Holly, good to see you."
"What do you want, daughter of a bitch?"
"Don't you dare call me that! I only came here to tell you to come back to me! I'm you best friend."
"And will always be." She ignored her and started to take her own pace as well.
Linda tried to fight back a tear, but she couldn't. She was stressed out about fixing up her school that Harry put an arm around her waist and said:
"Keep trying, don't worry. There's still Mihaela-"
"Who said my name?" a voice said: it was Mihaela herself! She was pale and had black eyes like the others.
"Don't you dare call me that! I'm not some kid or your best friend am I?"
"You are, but-"
"No, I am not!"
"You don't understand-"
"YOU don't understand what and why you are not supposed to be together with Potter!" She went off and started to take a pace.
Linda dropped on the floor and started to sob. Harry went up to her again and hugged her tightly.
"I have no hope. All my friends are gone. Turned to the dark side. They don't even remember themselves anymore. I don't know why Susanna is doing this. We did nothing wrong and just because of love? Having a boyfriend when she already took Roberto away from me? I don't know what to do now!"
She kept sobbing. Harry lifted her up to her feet and they started walking. Before the even knew it, Linda was taken from Harry!
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